Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Einstein Should Be the Triathlete

Being the culinary goddess that I am, I decided that pizza would be an excellent option for this evening. I worked hard (considering my profile in the mirror) at my triathlete workouts and deserved to be less than energetic in my own kitchen tonight. My principles have greatly shifted over the years. I now consider that I partially prepare the meal if I place the order either online or by phone. I can add bonus points by being the one to go pick it up. Tonight, I even used a coupon from this afternoon’s meal. I’m quite the chef.

I asked Einstein if he wanted to go for a car ride and knew what his reaction would be. To say that he was excited is a huge understatement. His disheveled hair practically hit the ceiling as he bounced throughout our family room. His wagging tail whipped the air as his breathing rate became faster than a Nascar on race day.

Earlier that day, I had finally rearranged the shelving configuration on our glass kitchen display. While moving items from space to space to space to space, (I am more than slightly anal in this regard.) I turned over our Bible verse for the week. Proverbs 15:30 stared from its perch, “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.”

While struggling to keep moving during my workout at the local Y, I was about ready to call it quits for the day. My vertigo had me fighting to stay within the track, let alone my lane. While waiting for their own physical testing, some Air Force servicemen didn’t know if they should come to my aid as they viewed my obvious swerving. I left the gym in embarrassment and waddled to the pool, which probably was not my smartest move for day. I started my efforts at laps. I soon accepted I needed to stop ignoring my pain and admit I had enough fun for the day. As I finished the last lap, a group of very loud, very happy kids came rushing into the pool area. They were doing that walk that is almost a run while keeping their arms stiff at their sides as their bare feet hurried to the side. I had to smile.

God had bopped me on the head as he showed me the life application for my Proverb verse. He brought me men ready to serve their country on my behalf. Tight smiles crossed these charming male faces as I thanked them for their service. (Bigger smiles were plastered on the faces of the elite few who got to hear about my hero son-in-law.) God brought me a fabulous yoga instructor who unobtrusively provides modifications for me. I love her serene voice providing directions during soothing spa music. The woman behind the front desk stopped me to ask how I always have a cheery disposition and a quiet smile on my face. (She obviously doesn’t know me very well yet.)  God worked hard today to make sure I would know that I could get more joy in my heart as I fight for health in my bones (and muscles and nerves and brain and joints and discs and, well you get the main idea.) Thanks God. Life is good.

Today's Benefit of Having a Life that has Chronic Pain: 
  • You still get to laugh when excited youngsters rush to get their turn to jump in the same pool that  has laps lengthening as you struggle to swim just one more length.

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