Friday, August 3, 2012


We finished up at Mayo and returned home this evening. It is just long enough of a trip to not want to make it again in the near future. Two trips in two weeks are plenty. Einstein has velcroed himself to my side, not wanting to leave us anytime soon. I’ve unpacked the suitcase and put away the extra food/munchies for the car. That’s pretty good for me to accomplish this task within the first 48 weeks let alone the first hour.

I’m once again tuned to the Olympics.  I’m not accomplishing much of anything else. I’m still kind of a zombie from taking in too much information for my wrinkled little brain in too short of a time period. Mayo managed to put lots of tests and appointments in such a short period. Even though I have done pretty well posting on this blog each day, I’m already behind with news. My mind is kind of numb so no guarantees on writing with any clarity. When you add that to the known fact that I can confuse the best of them, good luck to you.

Bob slept at Mayo in a sleep study last night. He was placed on a waiting list to have the sleep study last night instead of Monday night as scheduled. I’m very grateful they moved it up because if it had gone as originally scheduled, we would still be in Minnesota for another four nights. We were ready to get home!

They are great on getting information back to patients on a speedy basis. Due to the results of the sleep study, they are recommending a different mask for Bob’s C-PAP. He got diagnosed with sleep apnea about 15 years ago, so that wasn’t disturbing. They did notice that it took Bob most of the night before he got in any REM sleep. Then he performed just like my car when I take it into the mechanic. No nightmares. Bob doesn’t have these night terrors every night, so I wasn’t too surprised but it is still frustrating. His muscle tone was very loose throughout the night that contradicts with the information they expected. They don’t think he is suffering from the REM behavior disorders. (I love they call it behavior disorders since I spent many a year teaching youngsters with that same label.) The cruddy news is that I was told when Bob has one of these night terrors, I’m not supposed to wake him up. He needs to complete the cycle. That will be very tough. It’s just automatic to wake someone up when they are screaming while have a nightmare. Poor Einstein will have to be fitted with a football helmet. He also tries to wake up Bob while avoiding getting hit from moving arms or legs. It might be interesting to film. If I had any talent, I could probably get a viral YouTube going.

The only other thing was a blood test for iron. I guess that could really cause havoc on sleep if your iron is too low. That was a no-brainer. We don’t have those results back yet though.

So that was our last day in Rochester. We’re grateful for the amazing staff at that miracle clinic. You know us. We still have a list of restaurants that we want to check out on our next trips north. Boy life is good when shared with someone you love!

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Life is Good
         -  Who else would be planning where to eat when facing the yuckiness of dementia?

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