Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I can’t stress enough for the need of a support to anybody serving as a caregiver. Here I complained before when Bob had the flu. I thought that was tough! Sorry God. I blew that one. I won’t make any more jokes about what poor patients men are. (Well, maybe I will just make a few!)

My Yahoo Group is unbelievable. The postings that are made are so heart wrenching. I asked a question about any experience with reiki with LBD and had three comments within 15 minutes. One gentleman is even going to check further for me. These people don’t even know me, yet they go out of their way to help. Thank you God. Life is good.

I’ve also got the support of our Stephen Ministers. They are always just a prayer away. They have helped get Bob and I through a myriad of problems. If you are in need of getting someone to confidentially talk with you on a weekly basis, check with your church about getting an assignment.

Tonight we had trouble with the darn phone. Why are there so many buttons? Why can you put it next to so many places of the body? Why do I have such goofy questions? Why does my husband have to suffer in so many ways over so many things?

I mailed in my papers for disability retirement today. Yippee! (I actually wrote “Yippee!” on the envelope.) Now I wonder how long the paperwork will take. We drove to Steak n Shake and got a chocolate milkshake to celebrate. (A yogurt parfait just didn’t seem party worthy enough. Oh no – Is that the Weight Watcher’s police hurdling our patio furniture?)

Tomorrow has such exciting events. Our beloved Einstein will go to the groomer to see if they can bleach him white again. (I’m joking about the bleach, don’t get all worried out there.) I have to get fingerprinted so they can check my background for my work up at church. I then go to church for an orientation on where everything is located. As long as I know the location of the cross, I’ll be doing ok. Meanwhile, Bob will be hanging out with his best friend and brother. Everybody is so helpful. Life is good.

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Life is Good
       -  There are so many supportive people available to help people who need a boost. Thanks God.

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