Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The warm weather is gradually rising just in time for the start of schools. That’s nothing unusual. I taught many a year in rooms lacking air conditioning. When students complained about the heat, I used to love to say, “That’s funny! It’s nice and cool up here where I’m standing.” Heat humor never has people rolling on the floor.

I’m busy helping out at the preschool cutting out all sorts of items and checking markers to insure they work. I’m really using my master’s degree.

My grandson called me on the phone to announce he got a blue lanyard from the Disney store. He got to “open” the store with the magic words. It was so wonderful to hear the excitement in his voice. How seldom I hear that excitement except when working with young children. Why is that?

Youngsters will he heading out, if they haven’t already, with stuffed back backs and new outfits. They’re so excited about the commencement of another year. Do you get that excited driving to work? Does the purchase of facial tissue send shivers down your spine? Do you dance with glee over a new top?

We sure grumble enough when things go wrong? Road rage is starting to become a normal activity. You should hear me express my displeasure, that’s a nice way to put it, when we get more bills than junk mail. UGH!

Tomorrow, maybe we should try to show that excitement. That’s hard, especially with my chronic pain. My back has been reminding me why I’m on the disabled list. Bob is fighting the “woozies” instead of doing back flips through the backyard. I guess we have a ways to go with the excitement factor.

We need to increase the happiness meter for I know attitude is chosen. We could sit and grumble out our pain and lousy prognosis or we could look at today. Forget yesterday, don’t worry about tomorrow and simply try to enjoy today. We have a wonderful home and a great family. Einstein is a pooch that keeps us moving. Friends and family stay in touch. Even our pastor is just a phone call away and a super counselor for talks with my hubby. Life is good!

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Life is Good
        Bob and I work as partners to get that happiness meter higher.

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