Monday, August 6, 2012

The Lasagna Noodle

My body most closely resembles a pot of cooked spaghetti. My body is tired and wants to just sit in a big heap. With my lack of work on a diet, it should maybe be more closely described as a pot of cooked lasagna noodles for a more appropriate size. Don’t ask me any tough question for simple one digit addition might be pushing it for me right now.

We got to spend just over 24 hours enjoying my daughter’s family in their new home. It’s already been transformed into a house bursting with love and support for each other. There are photos a plenty, both new and old. Her kitchen has framed recipes written by family members. The walls show artwork done by the kids. It’s wonderful. The house is beautiful with lots of room to play. It will be fabulous having them just two hours away.

I found some Yahoo groups comprised of spouse’s caring for loved ones with Lewy Bodies Dementia. It already has proven comforting to me to send notes to other people who truly know or can relate to how I am feeling. I’m not the only noodle in the pot.

Bob still has such dramatic changes throughout the day. There are times that he seems far more coherent than me even though that doesn’t seem like much. Then he instantaneously stares off into his land of dementia where he resides alone. I wish I knew how to help. Most of his time is still spent on the computer, busy with farming and the slots. It makes him happy so all is good.

There are few words to say today. I’m like that spinning ball in a roulette wheel. I’m going around but I know things will come to a stop. I dread that stop but know that there’s lots of spinning ahead so my only choice is to change my expectations and love the moment. Try it and you’ll see that life is good.

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Life is Good
     - I’m not the only noodle in that pot of boiling pasta.

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