Monday, December 21, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

The verse for today is "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness." The Teddy activity is to count how many light bulbs you have in your house. What if you didn't have any?

My time of blogging is so random lately. Work responsibilities changed the frequency prior to this weekend. Now, Connecticut has calls to play "choo-choo" and read books that supersedes quiet time on the computer.

As the verse praises the light of the world, I sit at dusk contemplating and pondering. The house is festooned with lights around counters and high above cabinets. The tree is shining brightly. Life is good.

We are spending time with family: relaxing, laughing and eating. We are playing with an active grandson and rocking the other. We are confiding with daughter while praising son-in-law. We are holding hands with heart high.

The moon seems so bright with the snow blanketing the ground. There is not the brightness of an office cubicle or the glare of a hot sun. There is the gentle light of serenity when time is spent with the people you love.

The giggles of little boys, the pride of a father holding his son, the joy of the mother feeding her new son, the warmth of a loving husband's hand - those are some of the things that bring light to my life. I must remember to thank God for such blessings.

Where is your light? How is it burning? Have you thanked God.

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