Thursday, December 10, 2009

Picture This

I still am curious how many pictures of Jesus other people had when you don't count Christmas ones. Were we the only ones with minimal artwork. But, moving on. . .

Today's verse (wow, day ten already) is "I know that my Redeemer lives." Job 19:25

Teddy Question (or Activity Today) is to think of someone you know who has died. Draw a picture of Jesus with that person in heaven.

It's funny to think of the various images of Jesus and how we each painted that portrait. My mom had a picture of Jesus hanging in her bedroom. His silhouette had shoulder-length brown hair with a solemn Caucasian face. It was always comforting though to return home and see this picture upon Mom's wall. We never really talked about the depiction, but I can still close my eyes and clearly visualize the strong features of this quiet man.

Her sister had one of Jesus praying in Gethsemane. He is praying at a stone wall dressed in a long red robe while looking up to the heavens. His face and head emanated a strong glow with a halo like aura surrounding his head. I also picture the one with Jesus knocking at a door. His clothes, the walls and door are all in white to symbolize His holiness. There's the famous Da Vinci portrait of the Last Supper. Even as a youngster, I wondered why everyone sat just on one side of the table. I didn't question the authenticity of the artwork, just the seating arrangement of the disciples. I provided my godson a friendlier version of Jesus welcoming children. If I were asked to close my eyes and picture Jesus, something closer to this depiction would come to mind.

Now, there are images of a much darker skinned Jesus. A paler man would not be common to that area, but the power of the white superiority still holds for artwork found in the US. There are the Joshua books or Oh God movies proclaiming a chameleon like Lord. Would we recognize Him? Do we expect to see him?

We have two images in our home. One is Jesus as a child assisting Joseph in his carpenter shop. The shadow cast upon the floor is in the shape of a cross. We also have a small oval etching with the face of Jesus. Pictures showing important events through His life are hidden in his beard and hair.

I sit here continuing my pondering and wondering what God looks like. Although we were formed in his image, I can't picture Jesus plump or with a crew cut. Some question the gender of God. Does he glow? How old does he look? What about the length of his hair or color of his skin? Is there a whole body or just a face?

I don't really think that it matters how we picture the trinity. Instead, I think Jesus wants us to picture Him. We need to know that our Redeemer really does live. Happy pondering. Be brave and write down some of your images. I would love to hear more.

1 comment:

  1. I picture Jesus with my mom Ba-Chan...As Jan knows ba-Chan was a Buddist but she often talked to me of Christianity and before I asked Janet to marry me, I went to my mom and talked to her, especially about religion. Ba-Chan smiled at me and said just be happy. I see Jesus walking with her on a beach, Shes's looking up at Him with a wide smile...and the Holy Spirit followed. He knows good
