Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No Internet

We got our internet back after 36 hours, so here goes. . .

Another day dawns and I’m in quite a pickle. You see our internet is down now and Bob is off with his friends for his weekly men’s breakfast. My schedule is off kilter you see. Normally after I’m up and dressed, I head downstairs for my online Bible study. Some of you more astute readers found a problem in that sentence for “online” is now “offline”. (Yes, this will be posted at another time.) I used a print Bible instead and read the things that had already downloaded, but my pace is off. After Bible study, I check my emails – not doing now – and then go to Facebook. Facebook provides many ways to waste my time. My latest addiction is Word With Friends. (Anybody out there who wants to play?)

Today I can’t do what I normally do and that has set off my whole rhythm. Look! I’m even writing my blog in the morning. (Enter dramatic intake of air!) All of us claim that we dislike boring monotony, but the safety of a routine can comfort many a frenzy.

Let me type up the next five goodies now and I’ll just wait until evening to put it up. Wow! I’ll have something done early. That’s unheard of around here, especially on a day when we are juggling multiple doctor visits around other obligations.

11. Be unique. Do something out of the routine. Sit in a different location at church. Drive a different way to work. Sit on a different end of the couch. All these could get your pacemaker out of joint, but a new perspective can never hurt. This item is considered after my morning without internet. How many routines can you crack in one day?

12. Sit back and watch a couple of old movies on TV. Dim the lights and pop that corn. Use butter since the movie was made before all the horrors of fat became known to society. Pick a couple of black and white romantic flicks and hug your honey.

13. Be a visitor to your own city. We live in Chicagoland. People flock to this city faster than my vertigo whirls, yet Bob and I seldom venture out of our section of suburbia. We need to go see things we haven’t seen in ages if at all. We could even play the whole tourist routine and take our cameras.

14. Catch up with old friends. So many people we love dearly have slipped or are slowly slipping out of our reach. Being on disability, Bob and I seldom have evenings out on the town. We have lost touch with so many people because that yearly Christmas card is just not doing it. With internet, (I know, our’s is down now but we’ll pretend it will soon be fine.) you can send out a more specific email. Check up on people’s Facebook entries. Call them up on the phone. Don’t let the doldrums steal your friends away.

15. Go out on a date. Make your husband drive around the block and come back hopefully with a nice rose in hand. HINT! HINT! Go to some romantic place and have dinner. This might be hard but talk about yourselves without any conversation about your kids or even grandkids. Remember the reason you fell in love. (That’s one fall everybody needs to make!) Concentrate on just the two of you. This might be really tough, but if it is hard, you need this date more than ever.

There’s my five for today – done early. Now I’m off for my same cereal in my same bowl. Then I’ll watch the same TV and ponder how to best waste my day. J I might just have a day without internet. Forget I wrote that for that might be a great 16 on my list. Boy, life sure is good.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
      -  I get to sit back rather than venture off to work and have the same morning routine.  

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