Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Chainsaw for a Wedding Gift

I didn’t realize how many days had rolled by me as I plodded through the dates on my calendar. Now please don’t assume that Bob pulled out a fancy tux or we flew off to Europe for the week. I chose the word “plodded” quite purposefully to depict the way I spend my days.

We do manage to head to church each Wednesday throughout Lent. The great thing is there is a free meal with dessert competitions that make me salivate just thinking of them. We have some time to discuss the book that we are reading then we head to the sanctuary for the Holden Evening Service that I love. I wish I could hear this comforting music more often for it sends me off with a deep peace that we all crave.

I snicker at the use of the word “sanctuary.” I know the correct term is “worship center” but to me it will always be the sanctuary. I love the feel of that word and the items it conjures. I feel safe and valued and peaceful. The worship center sounds much more sterile and staid. My little body craves all of the nice touches it can get, so sorry for all of you who slave away to make sure the political correct police can be welcomed. Instead, I’ll chat with them while feeling love swooping around me like a huge down filled comforter on a chilly night.

Yesterday we were able to celebrate the engagement of my niece. We love the fellow to whom she is engaged but still trip over ourselves when we notice that all the nieces and nephews have suddenly grown up around us. That has to be impossible for if they are somehow old enough to marry and have rug rats, what does that say of us? We couldn’t also have aged? Quick get me a box of hair dye so I can further refute this!

Celia and Ryan, the bride and groom, disagreed on the items to be placed on the wedding registry. This controversy has affected other young couples for similar items. Do you click on the pricey sheets or drop down to what you would personally buy? Then there is the hassle of equal clicking for both sexes. The guys tend to wander around until they find some expensive vase whose cost could feed all of the hungry children in Africa. It often is added to the list to see who is nuts enough to spend that much money on a flower receptacle. If you, like me, could benefit from that box of hair color, check with some young married couple and see if they agree. Guys want to get tools and grease and man stuff, but Macy’s and Crate & Barrel don’t carry chainsaws.

So we are off to begin a new week. The days look similar to past weeks. It’s stocked with the usual medical needs and ends with a fabulous baby shower. Bob will have operation two on his foot this Thursday, but we haven’t had another surgery yet this month. I’ll fill you in on more of those details tomorrow, but my husband is taking his night stroll with the dog meaning it’s time to head to bed. Happy snoring everyone. May your dreams be filled with calorie free, but good tasting chocolate while on a beach somewhere without hurricanes or snow. Enjoy because life is good.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
       -  You get by sometimes with speech that might be considered politically incorrect, so I’ll get to call it a sanctuary. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a sanctuary at the mall, doctor office or your own home? Ahhhhhh! Life is Good!

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