Thursday, October 6, 2011

Take the Pledge

It’s mind blowing how I love those grandsons and my daughter more each day. I am blessed to be able to Skype my family with such regularity. To be able to see those bubbling faces and hear their happy voices makes a proud Nanny even prouder. I find out all sorts of facts and knowledge each time I hit that blue Skype icon. I can see them grow up literally before my eyes.

Teddy can now take part in a full conversation with his wonderful sense of humor blooming. Last night we talked about the dinosaur that lives outside his home. You must beware of the big tail for it is capable of creating havoc with ease. Teddy is obviously well aware of his control over my heart.

I have to snicker at his younger brother Ollie’s antics in the background. Ollie will take part in the conversation but slowly ease away. Every time his older brother begins an earnest depiction of something vital in his life, Ollie slowly slipped into what I consider hysterical behavior. At 20 months, he can find lots of things to do in the background. Once he drank from his brother’s glass while in full view of the computer camera. Teddy would not have been happy. Another time he was climbing high up the shelves to get a toy tucked away from chubby fingers. Today, he turned over their small chair transforming it into a slide. I blew it though by explaining my poor attention to my daughter. Sorry Ollie! The chair got put away in the closet, out of reach of my gymnastic babe.

Teddy attends a preschool class two mornings per week at a nearby church. This is year two for him, and he can now play on the big kids play area. He begins each day with his pledge. When his Mom asked him to recite it for me, he instantly responded with

       I pledge to myself
       On this day
       To be kind in every way.
       Kind hands.
       Kind words.
       Kind bodies.

I’m thinking we all should recite it every morning. What a happier and healthier world we would have. That preschool teacher knew what she was doing developing this perfect daily creed.

Today he went for his first field trip to a combination children’s farm and ice cream shoppe. I loved hearing his excited voice explaining the hayrack ride, animals and pumpkins. You could hear his enthusiasm. I wonder how long ago people could hear that much excitement in my voice? Maybe with me, not too long.

So every reader has homework from this blog. Recite the pledge even once – and mean it. Then look for those daily fabulous experiences available to us. It’s the best medicine for any aches and pains.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
     -  I have time to say a simple pledge each morning to help me have a great day.

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