Saturday, October 1, 2011

God Bless a Boa?

Bob and I did something special tonight that made our dear grandson Teddy giggle and probably shocked many other people if we didn’t provide careful explanation. We took Einstein to church tonight. There was a very special annual service when all animals, live and stuffed, are invited to attend. It is always scheduled at the beginning of October, close to the date honoring St. Francis de Assisi.

It’s always interesting to see the guests. Tonight was pretty boring with just dogs and one fishbowl. In the past, we have had cats, gerbils, snakes and stuffed animals and more. The idea is to bless the animals with good health so they can continue to provide the gift of unconditional love to their owners. That is what God would like them to do. Owners were also reminded of our responsibility granted way back in Genesis to care for all animals.

It’s a short service and there were no interruptions this evening. Sometimes a dog wants to meet another dog or show their domination by barking. They all seem to settle down once the music starts. We have probably attended 8 of the last 10 years. We figure that Einstein needs as much blessing as he can get.

Our cleaning lady and her son were here today. They helped by putting some big plastic bins up in the crawl space. I was able to go through a few more boxes. I’m not sure if they will ever come to an end. I do see some carpeting at least now. Bob has probably put out 30 boxes for recycling paper in the last three weeks. We have also donated at least 50 boxes of stuff. This is still stuff that was being stored from our kitchen, things I brought home from work, goodies left behind from Stephanie, and other goodies representing our greed. The tubs up in the crawl only hold some holiday decorations we have accumulated over the years. Yes, that’s lots of years!

My hubby has had college football on TV for the majority of the day. Einstein is exhausted from his confusing trip to a Lutheran church. He was born part of an Amish household and has come a long way from that.

That’s it for today. We emptied boxes, watched some TV, and messed around a little on the computer. I have tried to forbid myself from any computer games and have been successful for a couple of weeks now. It was starting to be all consuming and taking a huge section of my days. Facebook is too confusing anymore anyway. My sister suggested that I read a moving blog at You might want to check it out. You can infer the topic without reading a word. Cancer grabs so many hearts in our lives that this site might provide something you need.

I was looking at doing some copywriting online. They are checking how many views a blog receives. If you can bribe some other people to check out my words, I would appreciate it. That’s not the purpose of these words though. They have provided an important release for me as I plunge into the topics of chronic pain, devotions and the love and support I receive from many of my readers.

Enjoy your day of rest tomorrow. God bless.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Show that Life is Good:
     - We’re able to hire a cleaning lady to dig our way from the couch to the refrigerator. Life is good.

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