Monday, October 3, 2011

Reiki 1

/Yesterday was a day that I was anxiously awaiting for quite some time. I’m unsure of the amount of people who will support the basis of what I finally was able to undertake. The tale is best told if I back up probably 30 years.

Bob had an uncle beginning to lose his long struggle with cancer. The pain was getting stronger with relief gradually dissolving. His being cried out for anything that might bring even a slight sliver of help. This is where Bob enters the scene. Bob flew to California and took a weekend class to learn about the ancient art of reiki. The goal was to rid some of the pain, not cure the disease that had emerged triumphant to his uncle’s shrunken body.

Once Bob and I were married, he humbly admitted his training in this Eastern philosophy of maintaining health. The Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and even healing is administered by “laying on hands”. Now I admit that I thought my hubby’s mental health was slipping from his instant role of stepfather. It made no sense to my Type A personality and scientific bias. Then I got hurt! Bob quietly took some time and laid his hands on my injury. His hands were suddenly as hot as the sizzling sun as it felt like electrical current was mingled between the two of us. I felt better.

I still was not sure, my stubborn German background and paternal military like upbringing considered it a random reaction. Stephanie instantly believed and would call for Bobby to come to her needs. It worked! Bob used his skill to help ease stress and pain, not to be substituted for medical attention.  The Reiki won me over as this miraculous energy source caressed my tired body.

Both Stephanie and I have been curious about training, and I finally saw a local offering. Yesterday was the big day. I am now done with the Reiki 1 course. It’s difficult to explain the new sensation achieved through this Eastern Channel. I am doing what I can to help alleviate any of the pain that Bob and I daily experience.
Both Bob and I are scheduled to take level two at the end of this month to further increase these new skills.

I can just picture a few of you, or let’s face it, the majority of you shaking your heads in wonder. I finally lost it after years of being on the cusp of sanity. Can you imagine two of us bouncing off our walls? (Just think, in months past you were worried about us bouncing off the floor on some of our falls.) I encourage any of you to check out some of the reiki sites to learn more while praying for our continued efforts to ease our pain.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
     - I have the opportunity to enroll in courses to help ease stress and pain from the    lives of others and myself. That has to be good thing.

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