Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ooooh and Ahhhhh

Due to Hurricane Irene, my daughter and her family got to experience power failure these last few weeks of summer. We had so lovingly described our two instances of losing power for more than 24 hours that Mother Nature thought she should experience our plight. Life without power for her was slightly different since she has two preschoolers and had windows tightly covered with metal. They were all hunkered down. (I love that word – hunkered!)

Once power was restored, her three year old found it fascinating to go to each light switch and check whether lights would shine. Being the world’s most fabulous toddler, he loudly announced his findings. The lights glowing at merely a switch of a lever marveled my young grandson. His highly scientific mind required him to keep checking this stunning discovery. Light on; light off. Switch up; switch down. This was enthralling, captivating and mesmerizing all rolled into a simple flick. WOW!

I ponder at what things in life have intrigued me to that extent. The first looks at each of my grandsons brought my heart to a stop and tears to my eyes as I tried to fathom how God could bless me so much. Fireworks, those huge buggers that fill the sky, capture my being. When the sun peeks through a cluster of clouds sending long rays to kiss the earth, I think of my wonderful Momma sending love from heaven. Waves crashing to the sandy shore catch me and steal all negative thoughts. Amazing Grace resounding from a church choir brings more tears and that feeling of unconditional love witnessed to me by Mom.

What things captivate you and send shivers of enthusiasm to your brain? Are there experiences you have had that have carved pathways in your heart all the way up to your tear ducts? When did God catch you surprised and stopped you in your tracks less you disturb your surroundings? How did life come screeching to a gentle halt as you memorized the scene?

I think God sends those occasions far more often than we notice. Stop and glance at one of those picnic ants carting away a food nugget jammed with caloric delight. Peek at the underside of a leaf to see all the intricacies placed by the Lord. Better yet, find an infant whose mother you know so you can stare at a small clenched fist and tiny toes with tinier nails. You’ll find God’s handiwork.

So take some time to OOOH and AHHH. Life is too short. But don’t forget, life is good.

Way God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
- Our pace is slowed enough to capture these photos taken by God.

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