Monday, August 15, 2011

Worse than Rip Van Wrinkle, But Looking More LIke Him

Can’t believe that I’ve neglected my poor blog. There is a huge gap in postings, a new record for me. My daughter’s family was in town for a three-day weekend. She keeps her days packed to the second since she makes it back to the Midwest so infrequently. She can make it on this schedule, but her ol’ Momma passes out after they leave to return home. There are still some toys scattered in the family room that I don’t plan on picking up anytime in the near future. The Sippy cups actually belong to little ones instead of me. I miss my grandsons. Each time they leave, the hole in my heart gets bigger.

We were able to have a 31 party – the newest party for bags and more. Stephanie did a wonderful job plus that means that I get lots of free stuff. It was a nice way to show her off to many of my friends.

Their flight home wasn’t scheduled until after 9 PM, but was delayed until closer to 10:30 or so. They flew out of Boston, so had a long drive once they got there. The bad part was my poor son-in-law had to be at work at 5 AM – That’s in the morning. UGH! The Navy even has the audacity of making him work until tomorrow night. This is why most of the military are young.

I spent the majority of the day in bed due to a really bad migraine. I know I am not going for any dancing on the town when I lose my balance and fall twice on the way to the bathroom. You think I would be a little more coordinated by now. With all of this beauty rest, I also would have hoped that something would have been done with my body. The last I checked, the image remains the same and the scale is my number one enemy.

I'm off to bed now - again! You will get a “real” posting tomorrow.

How God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
- You get extra time in bed to dream of a fabulous life.

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