Friday, August 5, 2011

PJ's and a Bathrobe

Bob and I are back home after two relaxing nights at a spa. There are tons of stories that will fill this site at a later date when I have more energy. I have a doozy about a young gal who cannon balled into the outside pool. As my grandson Teddy says, “Not Cool!” My body is still just moosh after these days of pampering (and possibly with my additional year). We have gone here before and love it more each visit. I had a wrap, hour massage and my fingers and tootsies are colorful. We are both kind of achy due to exuberant masseuses (I had to check the spelling of that $3 word) who wanted to detoxify us. They got their work out since there is a lot on us to detoxify. Rides are always tough on my body, so I am laying low tonight. Maybe I could get a part-time job with the state to tell them which roads are the bumpiest. It was great to spend our days in those comfy bathrobes, so I continued the habit tonight and am now happily clad in PJ’s and my robe and slippers. I doubt Bob will supply pull down service upstairs with a mint on the pillow, but my hips are not lacking padding from one to many chocolate yummies.

What a wonderful feeling to be able to return home with no smoke smell and electricity working. The air conditioning feels good. I realize how much differently I live as an adult than my parents did. We didn’t have AC when I was a kid and didn’t think much of it. The best times were when we could sleep on a sheet on the living room floor with a big fan directed at us while we slept.

We are about to become parents of black clown fish tonight. Bob is determined to catch the fry. The fire had us take a few steps backwards with this fish rearing, but he hates seeing them all gobbled up by our other fish. I’ve seen the eggs fertilized, but never hatched. The eyes are visible in the eggs so tonight’s the big night.

I love to hear the excitement in my daughter’s voice as she describes her days at the MOPS convention down in Nashville. The speakers sound fabulous. The first night they had Max Lucado who has always been a favorite of mine. They are eating out late tonight, something unusual for mothers of preschoolers.

I’m closing my eyes as soon as I motivate my body to stand up. I’m not even very comfortable now, but I’m too tired to move. My body is spotting some extra bruises from the massages, but I am thrilled that we are financially able to experience such fantastic places. It’s fun to be pampered but hard to return to reality. Even so, life is good.

Way God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
- A massage can be therapeutic thus negating some of the guilt from the splurge.

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