Sunday, August 21, 2011

Moo or Growl?

Looking back over my posts, I notice that I forgot to mention another one of those “oops” that plagued our premises over this last week or so. Our yard now is in an animal print, very becoming matching today’s trendy chic in neighborhood yards. The landscaping crew diligently applied fertilizer/pesticide to ward off weeds while encouraging growth of the grass. I suppose that everything went according to schedule except the team made a major oops. The solution was not diluted. It caused a lovely burn print within just two days.

I think the yard closely resembles that of a cow while my hubby believes it more closely looks like a leopard. Nobody has claimed a Dalmatian yet in case anyone wants to warrant a guess. At first there were just burn spots throughout our property. The landscaping company admitted their error so worked hard to apply topsoil, seed, peat moss and then more seed. This caused the spots to enlarge and new colors to emerge. We have now agreed that the front is surely bovine while a more exotic breed is across the back. We’re very grateful that they readily assumed guilt and tried to rectify the mistake.

Unfortunately, now we have to water the spots daily. That doesn’t sound too time- consuming, athletic brawn or the assistance of a Rhodes scholar. The trouble occurs when realizing the vast amount of lawn affected. An aerial view would show that over 50% of the lawn has been recently seeded. Unfortunately, the thirsty area did not neatly split the yard in half to ease watering. Instead, we cart the hose around. To insure summer success, it must be hand watered at least twice daily. To accomplish this task would just reinforce the theory that Bob and I have no lives.

So you can spot (ha-ha, funny use of the word) either Bob or I out watering the yard for far longer a percentage of time than I would prefer. We have dedicated this much time to our dark circles, that to fail them now would somehow be almost sacrilegious. (I had difficulty accurately spelling this word and requested assistance via Facebook. My daughter came up with this option. A smart daughter of a friend instead opined that the correct term should just be sacrilege.) Anyway, it wouldn’t be nice. (Thanks Stephanie and Lauren. You too Carole!)

That's just another example of one of the freaky things happening at our residence. I think that I will be glad when September comes our way in hope for the luck to change direction. Meanwhile it makes great blogs and Christmas letters. Maybe this year for Christmas I will just combine all the posts into one long letter. It would be heavy on postage but would hopefully bring a smile or two. Oops, it’s my turn with the hoses and sprinklers. Gotta go!

Way God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
- Life provides fun games to pass the time. For instance, how many animals can you name with spots? I’ve given you two.

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