Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tom Thumb Doughnuts

Once again, Bob was going from appointment to appointment today as the team of physicians tried to ascertain more about his specific difficulties. We started the morning out at the Pain Center, the same locale where I stayed for close to a month. People weren’t jumping up and down to see me, but I had a similar lack of reaction. The recommendation was for Bob to come up to Rochester and stay for the same program I endured. There are quite a few errors in that statement. Bob would have trouble staying alone for that length of time. Also, his current use of medications would be difficult to remove in a cold turkey fashion. (Where did that silly statement come from? Why not hot turkey with mashed potatoes? Wikipedia gave unusual possibilities - shocker!) That program has limited success for a person with a brain injury. Oh, yeah – Bob has some new initials. He now is considered BI. I think that is neat since his casual monogram is BI. Cute?

Bob then spent hours with a psychologist being tested for IQ, memory issues and knowledge of various trivia. The exams took a little over four hours. They were pretty thorough. Bob took most of these evaluations about a year ago, so this will provide them an opportunity to compare these figures with the baseline. The best thing about the afternoon was they told Bob to bring a snack. Anything involving food can’t be that bad.

I sat and waited for him to complete the evaluations. Explain to me why I got so darn tired. I was not alone, for I saw many heads bobbing away as bodies tried to fight off the fatigue caused by some unknown sleeping potion in the ventilation. We weren’t doing anything tough. I saw some Sudoku, e-readers and knitting, all activities picked by the person involved. There was a little small talk in the warm, stuffy room. People felt some kind of bond being there together. Forget the new friendships or scheduled distractions. Instead, it was zzzzzzzzzz!

We decided to go out to the county fair and check out the food. Once again, you could get fried anything! I could feel my arteries constricting away. I am a new fan of Tom Thumb doughnuts. We couldn’t find elephant ears, but these made fabulous substitutes. Bob and I probably shouldn’t have gone, for our footsteps significantly slowed by the end of the first row of yummies. The car somehow seemed much farther away. I’m sure some comedian came and reparked it at a further distance.

We’re tired. Bob has been poked and prodded more than he ever desired. I wonder how many times he has been asked to recite his birthday to supposedly verify his identity. The waiting for suggestions from the nine gazillion test results will be tough. We learned that this distance is way too far for the two of us to drive. Do you think Einstein could take over behind the wheel?

We’re praying that some clue to Bob’s conditions can be found and rectified. We know there is a return trip for a command performance in the middle of August. He’s just so cute that people want to see more of him. That means to keep the prayers coming. We have been very blessed so far.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
            Anything involving new foods like Tom Thumb doughnuts cannot be bad!

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