Monday, July 23, 2012

Chocolate Mousse

We are done with Bob’s Day 1 at Mayo and we are both exhausted. The psychologists and neurologists were rather blunt with lots of questions beginning early this morning. We retold our February 2008 story over and over. That’s the famed date when Bob tried the ballerina move on the driveway and lost to the ice. It’s amazing how few of the facts he remembers from that debacle and how clearly I can visualize the whole thing.

My dilemma came when I needed to inform the doctor of some of Bob’s memory issues. I was ready to tell some of my versions but not with my poor hubby looking in shock next to me. He knew he had some cognitive problems but didn’t realize the frequency or severity of his memory problems. Meanwhile, while I was talking to the doctor, he kept throwing out numbers and words for Bob to remember. All this was happening while he was struggling to put on his socks. You get the idea. This is starting to look like my vertigo testing was a cakewalk. Can you repeat 7 digits five minutes after you initially hear them when you have multiple other questions thrown at you?

Tomorrow we have alphabet soup: EEG, EKG, MRI, etc, etc. At least he just needs to stay still and smile. My goofy hubby will surely fall asleep – no kidding. Contact me quickly if you want in on the pool on how long before the examiner can hear his snores.

I told Bob we would not keep his new sleeping plan for the hours here in Rochester. He told me then we shouldn’t worry about the point values of all those goodies I put in my mouth. He even brought yummy chocolate mousse to prove his point. His bet will be that in the middle of the night, he will get up and see me huddled in the corner of the couch with a bowl of mousse clenched in my hand. Bob just may be right. To my credit, I tried the salad in the cafeteria. Let’s just say they bake better than they prepare other food. Give me a little slack.

The weather is warmer than our last visits. We were here together in January when the temperature plummeted to -22O.  Remember my post in Balmy Minnesota. I came up for a month starting in March when the spring weather was great. Now we’re here in July when there are new temperature records, this time the opposite of January.

I’ll keep you informed with this post. Please pray for strength for my hubby. These appointments aren’t all filled with a food buffet. Pray for my strength that I won’t be up in the middle of the night slurping down that mousse. Man, life is good.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
       Who else can have a mousse pool? Hmmmm! Life is good.

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