Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recycled Cards

I want to share an idea with you that I have done off and on for quiet a few years. It is not original; I am not that clever, instead I got it online from the spouse of a well-known evangelist preacher. I think it might be Ruth Graham, but those who know be know better than to trust my skill at remembering names.

Hopefully you still have your Christmas cards that arrived for the 2011 holiday. Each year, I get fewer and fewer cards as people try to cut back wherever they might be. Almost half of these cards are photo greetings with smiling faces of family, kids or even favored pets. I have mine hung on a closet door so they catch my eye quite a few times during the day. I’m starting to hear them drop as the tape chooses to no longer stick to the door.

Anyway, gather up all the cards and take off the tape if necessary. Duh! Then place them in a basket or small brown lunch bag. Save them until the 12 days of Christmas have passed or Epiphany begins. That equals to January 7th.  Each day, pick out one card on which to focus. You can put it on your refrigerator, but that means it might get lost within a variety of items. You can leave it out on the table to possibly get lost, re-tape it to the door if you can find the tape you used or find some special spot where you see it several times per day. I know of people who use the bathroom mirror. That might be good so you don’t have to glance at a personal reflection that is a little more honest than you need.

Now, the idea is that you pray for that person. You may know a certain trial afflicting that family or your supplications may be much more general. You can pray for each member of the family or peace for the entire group. Just keep the focus on them. At the end of the day, send off an email and say you prayed for them. To realize that someone prayed for you is an exhilarating. Then, throw away the card and start over the following day.

It’s sometimes easier when they have sent one of those letters filling you in for 2011. Pictures of the family help me focus. You might even want to send off an email the morning before to see if there are any special requests. This practice tends to soften my mood and also bring Christ to center each day. That translates to I might not be as quick to grouchy during the first half hour of the day.

Let me know how you do. I’m sure you might forget for a week or two, but you can always start back up. God is there listening to you!

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
     -  I have lots of spare time each day that can now be productively used in prayer.

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