Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa is on the Way

A sinus infection has limited my desires and actions. The new medications are finally showing improvement in my body. Despite my illness, that calendar countdown has kept on going.

I managed to go out a little today. I went and picked up a few stocking gifts in the grand hopes that Bob’s stocking can be located. I finally found mine yesterday. The restoration company did an excellent job washing and scrubbing, but things were not replaced in the same bins they were originally stored. I mentioned before that my small wooden reindeer was found in three different boxes. (Not bad since there were only four parts.) So I will cross my fingers and then attack the world of bubble wrap and papers in search of that stocking.

Our cards have been mailed and new greetings grace our closet door. We are finding fewer cards this year, and half of what we have received is photo cards. It is somewhat amusing that multiple people have chosen their pets to replace any home picture. Why are they too chicken to show their own cute faces? Young children are still smiling out at me making me grin in response.

We are about to make cookies. Bob will then need to duct tape my hands to my side. I have managed to lose nine and a half pounds lately and don’t plan to gain that all back in one painful kitchen binge. I also want to have some family goodies on Christmas Eve. We also plan on meeting good friends for pizza on Friday night. There’s a somewhat logical chance that I’ll end up gaining those ten pounds back to my round frame.

Well, I need to go take my cough medicine with codeine. Then I will probably drop flat on my face in about thirty minutes. I WILL get over this sinus infection!!! My surgery for January needs to find me with clear lungs so that medication needs to get to work.

Just a few hours until the big red guy arrives. May all of your final preparations go well.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
My schedule is my own, so I can sleep, pack and watch all of those holiday movies when my body allows.

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