Saturday, December 17, 2011

Morphed Friends

My pain these last few days is trying to reach my IQ. Although that number is not a hard target, I prefer my discomfort to be less than my shoe size. I’ve had difficulty moving around due to my vertigo reaching its apex. There was a power struggle between the vertigo and migraine. I wish they could come to a truce for my migraine is back to renewing its power.  Needless to say, I’m not out dancing in the streets. When I went to an early bedtime the other night, I had to call Bob to come to my assistance for I had lost track of the location of the floor. It’s a horrible feeling to be laying on the floor, unable to determine the correct location for my feet. Instead, I remained huddled down, praying for God to help and Bob to hurry up those darn stairs.

I was in my monthly book club yesterday when I could feel my vertigo start to spin away. When I looked at the two women seated across from me, I discovered a new characteristic of this unusual feeling. Their faces were being morphed in a circular pattern. I almost wanted to watch for the beauty of the spun colors was fascinating, but staring at people across from you is not really depicting etiquette. An awful headache was starting to join my vertigo so my eyes dropped lower to be able to focus on an item on the table.

I’m curious if this is what some people feel when experimenting with drugs. I surely wouldn’t pick this view. There is also a lack of control. I was no longer able to even partake in the conversation while my head was busy spinning at Nasc ar speeds. I almost needed a seatbelt on my chair and helmet on my head.

So life is going round and round. Even while writing these few paragraphs it is like I am at a ship at sea. Everything is rocking away while I attempt to focus on my thoughts instead of the screen. I’m about to do a loop d’loop as done on summer carnival rides so I better bring this post to a close.

Thanks so much for all your thoughts and prayers. We could use every one of them.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
     -  My kaleidoscope view of the world depicts all of God’s creations in a new manner.

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