Saturday, July 2, 2011

Drop Down and Explore

We’re definitely taking it easy for this 4th of July. The hot weather generally does minimal in bursting my level of energy. Yesterday, we did stupidly decide that we needed to get out of the house more, as pleasant as it may be. So on the hottest day of the year, we go geocaching and walk over a mile on trails WITH Einstein. After we finished, the car immediately drove to the nearest McDonald’s for a well-deserved ice cream cone. There also goes most of the benefit of our walk.

Walking in the forest preserve was quite an adventure. It was strange walking on the boardwalk sections for my body could feel the vibrations of Bob walking beside me. Each little jolt put my spin factor up one notch. Standing on hills almost ended my day a little early but I made it through, probably even a little easier than my poor hubby.

My morning devotions urged me to look at the small pieces of beauty that surround me but are often ignored. Hey, that’s what I try to do daily. With my slower walk, I might as well take a peek at my setting. My daughter snickers at my frequent pleas to look at all the different shades of green. (Look quickly, for this sudden stage of heat blasting at us will quickly brown the grass.) It’s amazing to watch those ants busily at work or small creatures that should always stay OUTSIDE my home traverse across the jungle of grass. I see all those when the vertigo decides I am height impaired and lower me to the ground.

So I guess I should thank God for all my blessings. Here some fancy writer told me to look at the small stuff and that’s been my plan for ages. Chronic pain comes in handy sometimes. See, life is good.

Ways God Uses Chronic Pain to Remind Me that Life is Good:
- He slows my pace and lowers my gaze so I may enjoy the “little” things in life.

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