Monday, April 16, 2012

Kitchen Turning Experiment

It’s been a tough couple of days for me. The weather is finally showing the tendencies we find more usually in April in the Midwest. That means the thunderstorms crashed into Chicago with amazing gusto. We have been spared the tornados that attacked other areas, but this weather surely attacked me. At least my meteorological body has some worth. My goal now is to survive these three fronts that are going through the area.

So here I am impatiently waiting for my body to retain at least a little bit of its humanity. My tired bones screech at each and every movement. Open up your windows to hear this high-pitched cry. Luckily my good ol’ stimulator is helping out some, but sometimes I have the strong tingle of a tens unit along with hips refusing to move. That’s not how it is supposed to work.

My migraine has returned full steam ahead. I’ve tried that hide in a dark bedroom routine with little luck. We tried to try the “lets go out in public” with Bob dragging me out of the house. It didn’t work. Unfortunately, it then welcomed the vertigo.

My vertigo is what is bringing me the most frustration. Falls on a hard wooden or tiled floor should be avoided. Bob attempts to catch me on the bounce, but he is not the speediest person to jump from the couch to grab me. He can usually get to me by the ninth or tenth bounce, but by then, the bruises have already formed.

Yesterday, I wobbled to the kitchen to just get some fruit to eat. That sounds like a simple task that my four-year-old grandson Teddy could actually accomplish in 3.9 seconds flat. I was not trying to obtain any speed records. Those screechy bones that I talked about earlier were soundly rooted in my body.

Here’s the part where I want audience, I mean reader, involvement. Get up from your couch, go to your kitchen, and open the refrigerator to prepare something easy and yummy. Don’t forget to get a bowl and spoon before you open that refrigerator door. Then back to the couch. Turn and sit! While you are doing all of the above, count how many times your body turns. It might shock you! I got as far as the getting the bowl before I needed to call to Bob to pick me up from the floor.

My head is better when it is tightly plastered against something, but that is a difficult posture to maintain while walking through the kitchen. My knees are often bent so I can attempt to maintain better balance. My turns generally take about 71 minutes to complete, so any nickname of Speedy or Gonzalez is totally meant in good-fun ridicule.

Noises around here seem amplified. Bob was just doing the dishes, so water was quickly running while silverware clanged into the dishwasher. His computer speakers were up so sheep and cows were feeling at home, loudly announcing their presence from Farmville. Our big saltwater tank had all the pumps running while the ancient family room ceiling fan had an annoying beat with the glass and the pulley thing. It really wouldn’t have been loud to 99% of the population, but I fought tears of pain while I grasped my head.

So go try that kitchen turning thing. You just might be surprised. If you find anything yummy in there, send it over. Happy turning. Life is good!

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
     -  I get to ask my readers to go play in their kitchens. Come on – that’s power.

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