Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We're Darn Good Monsters

We safely made it to Connecticut for some beloved time with our daughter, son-in-law and of course those wonderful grandsons. We have already come to the conclusion that the tiniest two have been blessed with far more energy that Bob and I have ever had. It was wonderful playing monsters while their folks went to Parent Night at the preschool.

Tonight, while contemplating the many happenings of the day, I realized that although both Bob and I are plagued with chronic pain, we have experienced a touch of heaven. Our grandsons know the unconditional love cushioning their days. God has allowed these vibrant boys to know our strengths while our weaknesses are acknowledged, but overlooked. Our fabulous son-in-law somehow has learned to accept our antics and welcome the diversions directly caused through our unusual interactions. The loving relationship between our daughter and us has been transformed by her assuming a more adult role. She recently asked me to take part in her upcoming online Bible study. I’m honored that she’ll let me join in what is sure to be a moving opportunity by the Holy Spirit.

As I looked around at the wide variety of individuals awaiting our flight, I wondered about their reasons for taking to the wide, blue horizon. There were business professionals, young families starting vacations and newlyweds returning from an amazing trip to the Windy City. The majority of the flight considered our ride merely a stepping-stone to another locale. May God grant each one of them their hidden dreams and purpose.

Our time here is just beginning and as I told Teddy, we have many more “sleeps” here. I’m sure we’ll go home needing a week of bed rest, but I don’t want it to be any other way. We’re building memories these next nine days and creating a stronger grandparent – grandchild relationship unique to their familial bond. We pray that someday in the future, these boys will feel the unconditional love that overflows from our hearts.

So Lord, let our health hold strong over these next days so our little ones can find experiences that will be marked in their memories with loving exclamation marks. Our precious grandchildren will only choose which moments will be pulled and labeled as unforgettable. May these next days provide them with many wonderful opportunities to know that life is good, especially when shared with grandchildren.

Opportunity Picked by God to Use Chronic Pain and Prove Life is Good:
- We’re able to visit during the school year when our healthy peers are behind their desks at work. Life is good!

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