Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pass Go but Don't Collect $200

Just sitting around home with little done under work completion. By little, I mean close to none. With the new medication, by headache is thankfully improved. It’s still here with me but not as strong as it has been. I continue my walk with a “swagger” and have remained upright all day. I need to make one huge clarification on remaining upright. My chances of standing are extremely limited. A fabulous side effect of my new and improved medicine has me passed out most of the time. “May cause drowsiness” is interpreted as “will knock you on your keister for 3.5 months”. All you need to provide is a pillow, and I will be snoring away within 2 seconds. I’m frustrated with this drugged feeling, but my hubby is a fan since I no longer am sitting on the floor. My mental functioning is really slow too. Ask me a simple question and you probably will get a response within a week or two. You might not be able to understand my slurred speech, but I will tell you all you would ever want to know. I’m eternally grateful for spell-check and the cute little device on computers that underlines errors in red. I’ve seen a whole lot of red in this paragraph.

I’m hoping that the side effects will diminish some by tomorrow. We get to go purchase our new phones and I want to get other things as well. Our three year-old neighbor turns three on Saturday so I need to shop. A grand nephew will be one. Shopping for little ones is one of my favorite activities. If that bulletin board at church isn’t put up soon I might need to be changing denominations. Yikes! There finally are some things on my “To Do” list, so I am praying to get back to “normal” whatever that entails.

I’ve been nicely questioned about my demeanor compared with those Mayo days. The best way that I clarify things is to compare my life to a real world Monopoly game without all that money. I landed squarely on “Return home and do not collect $200”. Ok, I did that, but I have landed there 18 times in a row. I’m still moving and trying. I’m glad that I’m allowed to stay in the game with my cute little dog, but I yearn to go around the corner. I don’t know how to do that. Bob and I had always planned to travel and see the unknown at this point in our lives, but we realize that goal is too tough right now. We haven’t given up, but it’s darn tough to keep trudging through. I’m glad we have each other. Maybe tomorrow we can slip over this hump in front of us. We’ll find out tomorrow.

So keep on trucking. (Boy, that is an old saying!) We love you! I continue to be in awe with the number of people who have hit this site. Wow! Check the very bottom of this page. I ought to add some pretty pictures or something. Until then, remember that life is good.

God reminds Me through Chronic Pain that Life is Good:
I have lots of dreams for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Janet,

    To be honest, it has been weeks since I last read your blog. Though updates are sometimes received at men's Monday morning breakfast, I have missed a lot! I am so impressed by how well you communicate in writing - and at the same time - surprised by the extent of what you and Bob are going through, and how little your physicians seem to understand and diagnose the root causes of your conditions. Above all, however, it is your faith in God, which seems to have no bounds, that amazes me most!

    During Vacation Bible School, we - the children and their leaders - were reminded that:

    M - God made us!
    T - God listens to us!
    W - God watches over us!
    T - God loves us, no matter what!
    F - God gives good gifts!

    May our merciful God, in time, grant you the gifts of better health and peace! I will continue to pray for you and Bob. Thank you for your examples of faith!

    Mark Gamb
