Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Land of the Merry Matriarch

The post for today is much different than usual (as if any of my writings can be labeled usual.) I have not written lately due to a wonderful reprieve trip to family on the west coast. This post, and many in the coming weeks, will tell of our travels. A thanks to Bob’s many relatives who embraced us with love.

Once upon a time, God made a very special group of people. They were soon known by the two simple words that people cried when near them. They were called the Oh Wows! The Oh Wows lived in a warm and sunny land not far from the sounds of waves and the tastes of Cinnamon Raisin Brioche French Toast with warmed Orange Marmalade. A special matriarch, who had spring in her step and love to share, led this group. She was known for her happy and “merry” disposition.

One day, two plump cheetahs strolled into their home. The Oh Wows cared for them. Food like two tacos, onion rings, breakfast jack and milk were delivered in a large box. Life was oh so good. They went to a wonderful festival with drummers and archers and lots of excuses to use a credit card.  They had an unusual custom of sticking needles in your body that even made the male cheetah smile in delight. International food was always plenty: quesadillas, hamburgers, spaghetti, shaved ice and spam sushi was available every day. That made the cheetahs very happy and even rounder. Silly stories were shared as they gathered at the home of the merry matriarch. Photos were taken as they gathered around the table with mounds of food. While feasting for four days, they heard long tales of a phantom cab driver who had come to live with the Oh Wows and watch ballroom dancing competitions.

Not far off lived a strong and “hairy” male with a gorgeous wife. More food and talk were shared before they were sent off with three strong trees to remind them of a distant land. They were also made welcome by a silly man who had time to spare since he no longer left home to work on airplanes and such. His wonderful wife ruled the roost for she was the one who could locate magic glasses, design beautiful bathrooms, eat pink berries and make the female cheetah laugh and giggle. What a surprise since that female visitor was previously just known for her demure and shy nature. Now this goofy cheetah made small moans when begging for Nestles Crunch bars.

One day, it was finally time for the cheetahs to leave this land of milk and honey and wine. They needed to learn how to be grandparents from a genius named Einstein. The Oh Wows made sure they were gently shipped to their home destination and even put popcorn treats in their cages for their long journey. Many gathered to ensure safe travels for these much plumper cheetahs. Tears were shed and promises were made for return visits. These cheetahs had found a special love from all the people in this sunny land. An extended family bond was firmly molded and all knew that life was good.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
       -  I have the time to take a week to head west to find fabulous family just a phone call away. A new support system stock full of unconditional love is available. Thanks God! Life is good!

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