Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You God

I'm safely home having survived our five doctor appointments for the week. The trial insertion of the neurostimulator had a few "interesting moments," but "thank you God" I'm safely home in my bed. Thanks to all of you for the added prayers. It ended up they were needed. I got sick as soon as they put me under despite my day of fasting and my oxygen levels did a fast nose dive.  The bad part was that my lungs decided they were done for the day and temporarily went on strike. They were able to wake me up immediately and didn't even get a chance to use the paddles on me.

That also meant that the whole surgery had to be done just with local anesthesia. I soon discovered while people are generally put out with sedation. This was only the second time this doctor performed the procedure with just locals. I was doing pretty well when I left, but the anesthesia has all worn off now.

I have two, not just one, but two remotes attached with wires to my back. I can control the strength of this internal tens unit. I'm still getting used to how to cart all this around with me. Meanwhile, lifting is only two pounds (they have to be nuts), no twisting, bending, lifting my arms more than shoulder high. I can only sponge bathe for the next week (Pee Ewe) and driving a car is just one more no-no.

I'm praying this will bring relief from some of my back and hip pain. If nothing else, it should be a great conversation starter.

After I got home, I got a little more scared as reality set in. I prefer to only hear about paddles on TV shows, thank you very much. Thank you all so much for the prayers. I really felt calm during the escapades. I told the doctor I just made him earn his money, and the most I can pay is $91.

Go kiss someone you love. Then whisper to them, "Life is good!"

God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
     -  It changes your perspectives on what is really important in life. It's like Grey's Anatomy from last night and redefines a bad day. Life is good.

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