Monday, April 22, 2013

Is It Funny?

As you can probably imagine, I am a voracious reader. I feel it important to post this characteristic in order to inform others that I know and can correctly use a nine-letter word. Besides a variety of fiction texts, I’ve been perusing books about Lewy Bodies Dementia. I’m praying that this knowledge can better prepare me for what lies ahead. The outlook is daunting at best so I have some work ahead of me.

My latest book was Over Streams & Squirrel Woods. Although this volume was not my favorite, parts touched my soul and made me ponder my own opinions. Let me share one such portion:

People with dementia are easy targets for humour. They can’t defend themselves, so any treatment can be meted out to them: minimum care standards, cheap, badly cooked food and love and respect withdrawn. Is this why there is no political will to improve elderly care? There is no legal requirement to do so, many are too ill to vote or complain, so any attitude is excusable. We lock them away out of sight. They’re deteriorating so why bother to do more than leave them in front of a TV, until they give up living.

I’ve noticed that I always note much of my life with a humorous tint. I had already worried that this view may need to be modified as reality slapped me hard and fast. I would never want to ridicule my fantastic husband, particularly as his fight with Lewy becomes fiercer.

Help me out with my quandary. How can I survive some huge hurdles ahead without taking a positive spin? I’ll need to balance my remarks with careful knowledge on the identity of the speaker. How do I share this on a blog when my tone is lost and readers may not be aware of my intentions?  My perspective must always first look at my darling. Jokes won’t take away his diagnosis and his bitter battle.

As my blog has shifted, please write your comments here. (Can you hear my desperate begging?) If that is difficult, jot me an email or respond on Facebook. I need some help! Thanks for caring.

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