Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Come Here Einstein

Our poor dog Einstein still suffers “yougottobekidding-itis” when confronted with invitations to go outside. The new hidden fence has scared him and yanks any bravery from him. He has exhibited this behavior in the past when the temperature plummets below zero or strong thunderstorms show their wrath. The weather couldn’t be better here now with temperatures gently resting in the 70’s and gorgeous, colored leaves floating to the ground. Einstein has loved the leaves in the past, but he feels an inner calling to relieve himself on each and every leaf.

What a similarity to the verses of when John is gently calling to the people of the times. “Dear children, fathers, young men” are all examples of his address. John writes because each of us know God or “know the one who is from the beginning,” aka God. He even calls to the young men emphasizing any vanity by reminding them they are strong and have “overcome the evil one.” He calls us all to his word.

Just like Einstein, many are hesitant to read further. Their previous experiences have not been totally positive. They don’t want to leave behind that which is comfortable for places beyond. They can make-do just fine if they are just left alone.

We need to be the Johns who call out to others to join us. We must take up the hands (like I try to lug Einstein’s whole body) and guide them to the Lord. Once outside, Einstein enjoys the sunshine and cool breeze as he studiously examines each fallen leaf. Once there, our friends will also be able to relish in God’s word.

So I must invite others, a task surprisingly difficult for me. I must also be living proof as a model of the meaning of Christianity. How refreshing to be gently called and reminded of the glory of the Lord.

Enjoy your sunshine and God’s handiwork painting the trees that surround us. Life is good.

God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
-       I have the opportunity to sit here midmorning and let the Holy Ghost soothingly fill each pore. Ahhhhh, life is good.

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