I’ve been a wee bit busy with my daughter’s family in town, resting because her family is in town and bragging to everyone that my daughter’s family is in town. They flew home yesterday despite the tears of my eldest grandson which matched my own. I adore my little grandbabies and would do anything for them.
My body is recouping for I never say, “Not now” or “Can we wait to later?” when these darling boys request anything. I know time is short when they visit, so I try to enjoy every moment. How fun to experience all those zoo animals, time at the pool and adventures at the mall with the viewpoint of people less than three feet. Both guys love our saltwater tanks and were anxious for the fishees to wake up each day. They both are so very different in many ways. My daughter claims the eldest, who is free (or you might say three) is an OCD rule follower. The little dude, all of 18 months feels the sky is the limit and promptly tries to climb there to prove it.
It would be so nice if we could live our days modeling youngsters. I know eating behaviors and patience might need a bit more refining once we reach the age of 40, but our love of life needs to be way more obvious. We must love the same book on the 153rd reading and not be afraid to keep trying a task until it can be mastered. We have to dance with gumption and sing loud and clear. The simple things in life must provide us with joy and fascination. If we are tired, we should sleep. If we are hungry, ask for food. If we just want a good snuggle, find someone you love and let him or her know it. It was so nice to be reminded out of the clear blue that God loves me and get the sloppiest kisses outside of Einstein.
I must admit I am tired and didn’t get accomplished many (if any) of the things on my “To Do” list. My body still aches from those few days of loving. Even Einstein had fun and seems glad his tail is now safe. (He does miss some of the food on the floor though.) Even so, I know that life is good.
Ways God Reminds Me through Chronic Pain that Life is Good:
- The pat of a small hand when my back ached defines a miracle.
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