Saturday, June 11, 2011


Bob and I were fortunate enough to spend the day training with the HEROES Care Program; a non-profit organization benefitting the families of actively deployed military. These service people daily risk their lives to help maintain world freedom for myself and of course, my darling grandsons. My son-in-law has been deployed for months on end temporarily rotating my daughter’s identity to almost that of a single mom. My young grandsons have grown and learned so much while Daddy has been out to sea. This organization grabs my heart and forces me to count my many blessings. How can I not help these younger families while a spouse or parent risks his life for me?

All of the sixteen of us gathered in fascination, half of us came from our church. I’m so proud of our congregation who served as a host to other Stephen Ministers during this all day event. These caring individuals are ready to donate even more time to assist others. I’m really hyped into helping and can’t wait to see where God guides me. I urge others to check out the website

I have lots to do tonight, things that I have just been ignoring. I have lacked any enthusiasm. I need to remember to beware of the drastic theft caused by any of the Mighty Three. My pain doctor has recently modified my prescriptions one more time to more closely match my pills prior to Mayo. Although the idea of life without narcotics and a daily handful of colorful capsules sounds like the optimal goal of my life, the agony created by such severe migraines is not worth any damage by my pharmaceutical options. I need to start moving again and completing tasks that have been either marginalized or totally ignored. HEROES Care provides me an opportunity to gain back some of that sense of self-worth so I will push myself to accomplish more jobs. This program can be a win-win option.

I better get to some of my tasks at hand. Even though I needed some pills to slow the throbbing and limit the speeding room, I actually made it through an eight-hour presentation and learned from it. I need to stop here and start counting my blessings because God has given me plenty.

Ways God Uses My Chronic Pain to Remind Me that Life is Good:
• Since I can’t move far or fast, I'm slowed to check out the many blessings that daily surround me.

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