My eyes slowly opened with dreams glazing over in hopes that vertigo had floated away with my slumber. I saw the sunshine streaming in my bedroom begging that the day would bring good things. As I rolled over listening to Einstein’s pleas to go play, my head gained 47 pounds and the room quickly spun to an imaginary beat. Not good!
I made it to the bathroom by holding onto furniture. I am not easily defeated. My plans were to start the day slowly and then make it to the Y for my yoga class. I could pump away on the recumbent bike to creep closer to my goal for the triathlon. Stumbling down the stairs, I knew I was nuts, but yesterday had a rough start and I still managed to get to exercise amidst my peer athletes.
The weather looked perfect for me. It was supposed to be sunny skies with highs in the 70’s. I could hear the hammering as an existing sidewalk was in stage two of being removed. Breaking through concrete is not a silent job. Suddenly, Einstein went berserk, or rather more berserk than usual. I couldn’t really turn my head to see what dog dared walk by our home. The barking and running continued, and I knew that most canines walk much faster and should be well past our home. I got to me feet, which is no easy task mind you, and stumbled, I mean that literally, to the front door. Multiple men with hardhats were within two feet of our front door.
Slipping outside, they informed me that they were from the gas company. (Duh, I saw the truck.) They skewed their heads and squinted their eyes while looking at me in shame. Here was some disheveled lady, not working, who was already hitting the bottle. Her poor, neglected dog kept barking inside, probably not fed in days due to her neglect. I pretended to ignore their looks as I requested more information. The purpose for their visit was to replace old gas pipes with copper ones. They chose to start across the street. Did you know backhoes are loud?
I could hear the strains of at least two different lawn mowers wailing in the background. The finale came with a huge tree across the street coming down with the help of some very loud saws. I sat down and tried to focus on my ability to drive to somewhere, anywhere quieter. Nope! No keys in my hand today! My vertigo presented driving restrictions.
I chose to lie down for a short time, following Mayo’s suggestion of taking a time for deep relaxation. I think the phone rang 71 times in the first 11 minutes. This quiet time was not the same as the relaxation room up in Rochester. I got up for a gourmet lunch with some playtime on the computer. The phone did not ring for hours. Enough of being sedate, I still had some flowers to plant. I fell twice outside for there is not much to grasp to break any falls. The good side is that my body will be set for Flag Day with this wonderful triad of colors. Ripping my favorite capris just meant that I could shop!
So here I sit, trying to type. You see the final product. My fingers quickly move over the keys still, but they hit the wrong keys far too frequently for my preference. With migraines, I also have trouble with word retrieval. This is one time that a large vocabulary comes to haunt me. This “cute” blog takes a long time before it is ready to post. However, that might be good since it gives me something to fill my time.
Aah! The jackhammer has stopped for the day. I cannot hear any backhoes, lawnmowers or trimmers. The saws have been stopped and pesky blowers are put away for the day. Einstein quietly dozes on the top of the couch. I don’t even hear kids out playing in their yards. It sounds wonderful.
So, to sum it all up, the migraines with vertigo and tinnitus continue. I am trying to persist with Mayo’s advice but find those suggestions more difficult in my daily life. My body is sore, but I luckily have a lot of padding. Limited ability to attend any scheduled exercise program lets the pounds quickly add to my rotund frame. When I seem to be able to do so little well, I want to participate in activities still easy for me to accomplish with any accuracy. Eating is one such activity.
The many falls and loss of balance leave me frustrated. I’ve lost all my anger for it must have fallen out on my of my recent visits to the ground. Most people would have agreed that my neighborhood exceeded the normal levels of expected noise but could have stayed vertical or driven away. I got to experience it to the fullest.
The next time things get noisy, you can think of one of us suffering from The Mighty Three. Suppertime is approaching, and the refrigerator is full of fat laden foods. The cool breeze feels good as it reminds me of the wonders waiting outside. Those beauties will be postponed for me today. I prefer the couch with my legs up in the sky.
Tomorrow is a new day with new adventures at my fingertips. Hopefully, it will have a quiet beginning, still walls and lots of time for me to be vertical. That would be nice. Life is good!
Ways God Reminds Me Through My Chronic Pain that Life is Good
• It gives me lots of time to enjoy my home, plus it is cheaper for my bank balance.
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