It’s just a ho-hum day sitting at home not doing anything. I don’t mean anything special; I mean not anything at all. My hubby is in the same mood, so we make quite the pair. It’s the kind of day I wouldn’t want to paint the house for watching the paint dry might be far too exciting of an escapade for either one of us. We’re not feeling the best, but nothing major for either one of us. So, we sit. I think we do that pretty well though. Einstein gets us moving to walk around the block once in a while, but that does it for any exercise or even movement.
I got to Skype my two little grandsons. They have a wee bit more enthusiasm than we do, but you probably figured that out before you even read this posting. They do bring the glitter back to our eyes. What I would give to see the eldest at a t-ball game tomorrow, but that must be postponed until next year.
We admit we might have a good case of funk-itis, but my stomach feels that it should be defined with a bit more clarity. I just tried to go with Bob to walk Einstein around the block, but a weird earthquake hit the Chicagoland suburbs. It practically wiped me off my feet as the earth wiggled and shook. It was mighty strange though how the epicenter of this quake was so compact that it was just under my feet. I was wobbling pretty well out there. Since I almost knocked down my hubby, we decided the heck with the dog. We needed to be inside.
The calendar remains pretty empty. Random squares are filled with doctor appointments, but the rest have us pretty open. God finally gave us free time to explore the world, some money, but questionable health. Hopefully, Bob’s days with the boot are almost to an end which will make moving around a bit more comfortable and God willing, some days of adventure in our near future.
The strangest thing is happening to my back. I have muscle spasms that began at the base of my neck and have now moved to my wing bone. (I don’t think that is the formal medical term, but you know what I mean.) This has happened to me before, but I am doing my best to avoid muscle relaxants. I wanted Bob to try to massage that area a bit to see if it would help reduce the pain and get rid of this knot. Instead, he just stared at my back, transfixed with the strange movements. This is a quote from him, “But it is the strangest thing just to watch it move.” At least it helped pass the time for him.
So, we pray tomorrow will have less spinning, stronger stomachs and more focused brains. These are the days that grant me leave from work and sympathy from friends, so I must make the most of them. I wish I knew how to better explain them to medical professionals so they could better understand the plight of the Mighty Three. I’m ready for some relief anytime but need to be thankful that my health hung in there long enough to enjoy the visit by my daughter’s family. We have much to be thankful for. Life is good.
Ways God Reminds Me through Chronic Pain that Life is Good:
- My earthquakes don’t cause the damage as those in California.
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