Today's verse is from Matthew 1:21
You will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
Teddy Questions - Try to think of something you have found that ws lost. Once you had "saved" it, where did you keep it?
I am known for my saving style. Bob laughs that the first place I head in a store is their clearance racks. Take me out to eat (once again eating) and I whip out a coupon for buy one, get one free. I'm a target for cunning marketers who advertise, "Buy one, get one free." I get caught up in all of those sales where you have to buy $900 worth of products to get a free item worth 25 cents. Just think what I saved! Bob shakes his head and has learned to save his time and energy by feigning enthusiasm over my newest trinket I got for FREE. Who cares if we don't own a cat; think of the money I saved.
Stephanie laughs at other ways I save, perhaps because she also is gullible for those crafty advertisers. My closet is bursting with clothes that my less than petite body has not been squeezed into for at least 36 years. There are those plastic dishes in the crawl space I saved when I got married just in case Stephanie would want them when she started her own home. I can't ignore the 37 piles of magazines I have saved in case I want to reread a fascinating article. I think you can see where I am going.
My daughter is a tosser. If it sits more than 3.6 seconds on a counter, consider it gone. JUNK! She doesn't need to gather items "just in case". Many young adults parallel her beliefs of less is more. Maybe because I was a single mom for so long with a limited income I need to accumulate items that still have some use. Bob and I had the "ghetto" microwave for years after its LED lights burnt out since it still heated up items just fine.
That is how Jesus is with us. He saves many of us that others would label junk. He values each of us as a valued treasure. We are kept in his heart despite age or condition. God placed Him here to save us even with our burnt out lights and newer available models. I'm glad He didn't ponder long about my worth.
So I will force myself to get rid of some of those boxes I haven't gotten around to unpacking since we got married (twenty years ago) and admit the size 6 polyester bell bottoms can go. Instead, I will look for the value placed inside each of us. Jesus would like this new kind of saving.
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