Friday, December 18, 2009


First of all, my apologies for not writing the last few nights. Although I could provide a list of excuses, I must admit I must look at my priorities. What should be number one? On with the devotion. . .

The verse is "A child is born to us! A son is given to us! He will be called, 'Prince of Peace"."

The Teddy activity is to find pictures of some people who are grown up now. (Are we really ever grown up?) How many titles can you think of that people are called (like "doctor" or "operator" or "teacher")?

Since moving to Chicago-land I have loved this verse for the name of my church is Prince of Peace. How perfect! I have often commented on how the parishioners are much like my family. I will even miss not being able to worship with them on Christmas eve this year. Bob and I literally could not have made it without the wonderful support of these people. They continue to stand by us throughout these last two years in particular. Through meals, phone calls, cards and prayers, we have felt their strong presence in our lives for a long time.

I ponder about how people not in a church home handle tough situations? Why do they celebrate Christmas? What about those people who are only in church on Christmas and Easter? Why do they feel the pull to get married in a house of worship and baptize their children?

Could it be the people in the church? Are we so narcissistic that we talk to our friends about our topics in a cliquish fashion leaving strangers inadvertently out? I know I am guilty of that behavior?

Prince of Peace! What a wonderful title! I ponder about Chris, a proud submariner. Then there is my new Oliver, whose name translates as "Peace". How can I let visitors, and people who never even cross the church threshold, feel that wonderful sense of peace that I do in my church home. Help me God give that gift of peace to others.

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