Sunday, December 6, 2009

Growing Boys

With waiting for the birth of my new little Ollie, the emotions of waiting for the birth and second coming of Christ seem all the more real. Thank you God for being alive and here. Help me to show both Ollie and Teddy the joy of the Holy Spirit.

Today's verse: "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me." John 15:5

Teddy questions: How many growing plants are in your house? What do people do to help them grow? What happens if people forget to water them?

We have some plants, but I am not sure how many are really growing. The whole forget to water question could be part of our browning leaves and withered stems.

I'm captured by the question of what people should do to help growth. It matched my opening paragraph prior to me even reading the question. My nightly prayers have burst with thanksgiving and pondering questions. What will Ollie see as he gets older? How will big brother Teddy react to all of this sharing stuff? When Chris is out to sea, how will Stephanie balance all of her responsibilities while clutching on to her own sanity? How can Bob and I help this family across the miles? How will they continue to grow both physically and spiritually? Help me God find out these answers.

Teddy's and my last questions match. His refers to a potted plant while mine is for moving children. What can we do to help the boys in their healthy growth as Christians and sturdy, active children?

Our participation in our home church will help show that church is more than a building to weekly drop off kids for Sunday School. The feeling of family we have at Prince of Peace surprises so many unchurched peers that it will surely impact their yearning for a similar unique bond. Even our extended families are surprised at the support we continually receive. The boys will hear and meet fellow Stephen Ministers, PPC and BOSM members and church staff. They will learn how these people have helped Poppy and I during our greatest time of need. All of their senses will be overflowing with the unconditional love offered by our church family.

They will receive Christian gifts to show the stories within the Bible. Currently, Noah can be found driving a Little People's police car. Advent calendars with donkeys dangling from the sky symbolize the upcoming birth of Christ. The daily chocolate shows good things are still to come. A Little People's nativity will help bring the characters alive. Books to read provide information upon which to build a strong foundation.

Stephanie and Chris have done a wonderful job fulfilling the promises made at Teddy's baptism. They bring him to church. My dear Teddy is well known within his church walls as I hear greetings as we amble up to communion or talk to grandmotherly nursery attendants from their MOPS program. Teddy knows his way through the halls and feels comfortable in the security offered in this holy place. Bob and I can support that comfort and encourage the beauty found in their Christian home.

Another memory is forever etched in my heart as I watch my young grandson fold his hands in prayer and vocalizes his appreciation to God for his daily meals. Although I cannot yet understand his utterances, I know that God has captured the essence of the moment.

My prayers are full of cries to help these young children grow into men believing in the power of God. As my eyes slowly close in the evenings, I fall asleep talking to God and opening my heart. Throughout the day, we dialogue (or mostly I monologue) about the hidden gifts wrapped within these children. May God strengthen both Bob and I, relieve some of our pain, and continue to provide us with the resources to witness to both Teddy and Ollie.

As I glance at the family trees advertised in flashy flyers from Hallmark and Things Remembered, I picture faces of my own family among the branches. God has entrusted me to help the growth of the Williams family. What a wonderful privilege.

What are you growing for Christ? How are your branches? Ponder on that for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Noah in the police car makes me laugh. It also makes me wonder what crimes Noah would like to arrest us for.
