Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One, Two, Three

Today’s Verse: "For unto you is born a Savior, Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
Teddy Questions: How many pictures (or statues) of Jesus are on display in your house all the time (not just at Christmas)?

I was so excited to start reading today’s well known verse recited worldwide on Christmas day. The brain started to rumble as I delightedly planned today’s blog. The birth of a baby – what an easy correlation to my own life. Did any of you know that I had a new grandson? Yippee!!

Then I got to the Teddy questions! The first is a simple task for the number is quite low, particularly when you rule out all of the nativity sets enjoyed during the month of December. There really is a follow-up question to parents; why are there so few representations of Christ?

I only have one small statue with Christ’s picture in our family room. It sits on a shelf along with ninety million other things considered to be of worth. (The older you get, the more junk you accumulate. It seems to be attracted to you by some invisible magnetic field.)

We have multiple Bibles. I like to compare different translations. We have other artwork with Bible verses. A large sign in the kitchen states, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” My bags from various church committees lay on the floor, often overflowing with things that need my attention. Do all of those tasks I have on my To Do list take my focus off of Christ?

Last night I had a council meeting at church. I got home, did a little emailing (and even a little of virtual farming) then crawled up to bed. (With my bad leg, crawl is not an exaggeration!) When I was halfway up, I realized that I had forgotten to write today’s blog. The call of the bed was stronger than the will to write. My priorities were off.

So now do I go buy 16 porcelain statues of Christ? I don’t feel that Jesus wanted his representation to be sold at the local dollar store. That seems far too commercialized in our busy world. But there are some simpler ways for people to publically relay their faith. What are your ways? Would Jesus think that would be a good idea? Ponder what is good for you and your family!

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think we have any out all the time. We have the different prayers and Bible verses, but I don't think we have an actual Jesus. When we decorate for January, I'll check. When we were adding O to the Navy yesterday, there was a little 3 person nativity (Jesus, Mary, Joseph). T kept pointing to it and saying "baby jhu" which I'm assuming is his way of saying baby Jesus. I don't even know where to go to look for a nice, not Christmas Jesus figure.
