Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Beginning

The verse for the devotion is "From the beginning the Word was with God. Through him, God made all things." written in John 1:2 - 3.

Teddy Questions are
  • What was the first word you ever learned to say?
  • Do you still say it sometimes?
Kind of lame questions for this verse which is kind of funny for anything that comes from the book of John. My memory is bad enough that I don't remember the first word from this sentence let alone my first ever word. I would guess that most people would still use that word although articulation might hopefully be a bit improved.

Beginnings give me things to ponder. The beginning of life is very evident here at Stephanie's. There is the beginning of the movie when all of the credits are given. Beginning school, whether it be kindergarten or grad school, is a huge event. The beginning of the day is not my favorite time of day. I am not a morning person. The beginning of a relationship brings uneasiness, yet hope and wonder.

Beginnings seem to all be a time of excitement with good wishes for the future. That is also true for the beginning of the church year. Messages are mailed in holiday greetings (except for us since I haven't gotten that far yet) with sincere hopes for the very best for loved ones. May all who read this blog have the very best of the new year.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Will You Do My Laundry?

"You are my servant, in whom I will be glorified." Isaiah 49:3

Teddy Questions: List some of the chores you must do around your house. How do you feel about doing them? Can you do them happily?"

The whole idea of doing chores or having a role of servant sets a resistance nature. There are few places where people are waiting to become a servant.

Before I sign into the site, I need more data. First of all, three are a few details I need to find out before I sign up. What is the pay? What are the hours? Are there fringe benefits? What do I need to do? Whom am I helping?

God doesn't tell us. He works on his time schedule. He wants us to willingly serve despite the pay or fringe benefits. He wants us to actively participate in the world around us. By serving, we are not dropping below others, we are assisting them at their levels. But the word "serving" sounds like hard work that could make me get dirty.

The person I serve sure makes a big difference. I will be happy to clean up dirty items from either of my cute little grandsons. I would gladly get drinks and snacks for my daughter and her husband, but they never let me get that far. I will help Bob with almost all of his requests.

I do serve others though. But I want to serve the people whom I pick. I am active in various serving ministry options. Yet bringing in food to drop off at church and putting extra money in the offering is far different from going to a downtown shelter and assisting with meals there. Buying toddler coats is easier than taking them to their homes in a fellowship activity.

How do I serve? Whom do I serve? Help me God be a better servant in the places and times you pick.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Cards, Beamers and Those Pearly Gates

Today's verse is "You know the message he sent, proclaiming Good News of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all."
Teddy activity is to think of a promise someone made to you. . .and then kept!

This could really go a couple of different ways. When reading the Bible verse, my first thought came when reading "message" and the ol' German Lutheran guilt overcame me with regret, shame and embarrassment that we did not send any wishes of goodwill this Christmas season. I bought the cards, five boxes in fact, and even signed one. That's as far as I got. So don't feel neglected out there if you don't receive holiday wishes via snail mail for you are not alone. No cards were sent despite our sincere wishes for the very best to you all for a blessed Christmas and wonderful new year. (At least you won't have to read another of our Christmas letters.)

The Teddy activity has us thinking of promises. The first promise I thought of was a huge one - my marriage vows to Bob. He has lived up to those promises and gone beyond. He definitely is handling the "worse" part for the "better or worse" section.The "sickness and health" has been well covered also. Our insurance company knows us on a first name basis. Our multiple doctors now drive new Lexuses (Lexi?) or Beamers and have special file cabinets set aside just for us. Bob's fidelity cannot be questioned. Thank you God! With those vows came similar declarations to Stephanie. He took Stephanie as his step-daughter. Their relationship continues to be of love, respect and honor due to his keeping that promise.

God has made promises too! He promises a trip to those "pearly gates" with our belief in Christ. We will be reunited with loved ones to share eternal life and our lives will be without pain. That's quite a promise I am looking forward to. What a wonderful thing to ponder!

Monday, December 21, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

The verse for today is "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness." The Teddy activity is to count how many light bulbs you have in your house. What if you didn't have any?

My time of blogging is so random lately. Work responsibilities changed the frequency prior to this weekend. Now, Connecticut has calls to play "choo-choo" and read books that supersedes quiet time on the computer.

As the verse praises the light of the world, I sit at dusk contemplating and pondering. The house is festooned with lights around counters and high above cabinets. The tree is shining brightly. Life is good.

We are spending time with family: relaxing, laughing and eating. We are playing with an active grandson and rocking the other. We are confiding with daughter while praising son-in-law. We are holding hands with heart high.

The moon seems so bright with the snow blanketing the ground. There is not the brightness of an office cubicle or the glare of a hot sun. There is the gentle light of serenity when time is spent with the people you love.

The giggles of little boys, the pride of a father holding his son, the joy of the mother feeding her new son, the warmth of a loving husband's hand - those are some of the things that bring light to my life. I must remember to thank God for such blessings.

Where is your light? How is it burning? Have you thanked God.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Biggest Blizzard Coming Soon

What a wonderful day. Bob and I are in Connecticut with snow drifts of four feet against my daughter's home. I am warm and snuggled, enjoying the many blessings surrounding me. The silent strength of the Holy spirit is surely present in today's verse.

From John 14:6 comes " I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me." You will notice God's touch with the Teddy Questions. Find a map and see if you can figure out the way to get somewhere.

Both Friday and Saturday found Bob and I wondering the feasibility of traveling the many miles across our country. Two little grandsons awaited us along with a fabulous daughter and a son-in-law that can't be beat. Mother Nature had other ideas for the east coast as snow was to blanket the ground. Even THE PRESIDENT returned home early to avoid the blizzard soon to come.

Bob was glued to computers as he worried about different options. Yet, snow is beyond our control. As his worries grew, I felt a sense of calm. While he listened to the meteorologist; I tried to listen to God. How I prayed! I asked for safety for all travelers, the homeless and for us. I wanted wisdom for drivers of planes, trains and automobiles.

We followed the plan and headed for O'Hare. Although our plane left later than United advertised, we were off just an hour or so behind schedule. As Bob and I talked about simple things other than lists of the many tasks in which we were behind, that sense of calm grew stronger. Bob massaged my wounded leg on flight much to the surprise of the man of seated beside him. But, it worked. The flight, despite the roller coaster imitations during turbulence, did not bring me the agonizing pain as in the past. Once landed, the land didn't have a flake of snow. We safely journeyed via rental car the hour to Stephanie's house. Flakes started to appear as we entered city limits.

We found the way! God was truly with us! Prayers were with us!

We spend so much time fruitlessly worrying about the path, we forget where we are headed. That is so true for our life. We forget life is a journey, the best is yet to come. We forget that our time schedule is not that of God's. We ignore the sense of peace that can be found in the Holy Spirit.

Are you anxious? It's amazing what a little prayer can do! Ponder that after prayer.

Friday, December 18, 2009


First of all, my apologies for not writing the last few nights. Although I could provide a list of excuses, I must admit I must look at my priorities. What should be number one? On with the devotion. . .

The verse is "A child is born to us! A son is given to us! He will be called, 'Prince of Peace"."

The Teddy activity is to find pictures of some people who are grown up now. (Are we really ever grown up?) How many titles can you think of that people are called (like "doctor" or "operator" or "teacher")?

Since moving to Chicago-land I have loved this verse for the name of my church is Prince of Peace. How perfect! I have often commented on how the parishioners are much like my family. I will even miss not being able to worship with them on Christmas eve this year. Bob and I literally could not have made it without the wonderful support of these people. They continue to stand by us throughout these last two years in particular. Through meals, phone calls, cards and prayers, we have felt their strong presence in our lives for a long time.

I ponder about how people not in a church home handle tough situations? Why do they celebrate Christmas? What about those people who are only in church on Christmas and Easter? Why do they feel the pull to get married in a house of worship and baptize their children?

Could it be the people in the church? Are we so narcissistic that we talk to our friends about our topics in a cliquish fashion leaving strangers inadvertently out? I know I am guilty of that behavior?

Prince of Peace! What a wonderful title! I ponder about Chris, a proud submariner. Then there is my new Oliver, whose name translates as "Peace". How can I let visitors, and people who never even cross the church threshold, feel that wonderful sense of peace that I do in my church home. Help me God give that gift of peace to others.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dominique! Where are You?

The verse for pondering today is from 1 John 4:15. "If anyone declares that Jesus is the Son of God, he lives in union with God and God lives in union with him.

The Teddy questions are "Can you think of a song or a hymn that calls Jesus the Son of God?" and "Can you sing it?"

During my daily commutes, my radio is tuned to stations with full-time Christmas carols. It helps to set the tone for the day and remind me of the Advent season. There are the solemn hymns sung by my grandparents. There are goofy more commercial versions. I get excited when I finally hear Dominique the Donkey over the airwaves.

You don't want me to sing any of the songs I know. In fact, church lets me help myself to an offering envelope if I promise not to sing. That's why I like to sign. No one can hear me when I am up by the altar. I love the gift of music, but God sure skipped me when he handed out musical talent. I love the songs but my versions are so far off key they make all of the dogs in the neighborhood howl.

I love to wonder about how many people have ever sung some of the classics. How many people will be singing Silent Night on December 24th? How many people know the first verse by heart? How many different versions are recorded each year by the variety of people more talented in singing than me?

Certain songs remind me of certain people. So many of these songs have special meaning. What songs have meaning for you? What are your favorite carols? What songs do you hum during the day? Let me know if you love good ol' Dominique.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It is hard to believe that the count to Christmas is going so quickly. These devotions have now a twofold purpose: get me in the Christmas spirit and focus my thoughts on the reason for the season. Although some ponderings have been late in posting, I have wanted to continue my emphasize my priorities.

The verse on Teddy's countdown was "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"
His activities were to count the number of parents, grandparents and great-grandparents he could name and to draw the family tree.

That is one of the wonderful things about this holiday season. Everyone wants to spend time with family. I never wanted to be away from my home church for the Christmas service but I'm anxiously racing to spend time in Connecticut with family. Other family relationships are often mended with the goodwill spirit of the season. Cards are sent to extended family spread across the miles to try to bring them at least close to mind.

Yet family is more than others who were raised with you when you were but a child. My fellow Stephen Minister Leaders are more like sisters than friends. I share things with a few work peers that are generally masked from view. We were adopted by the family of Linda, a good friend for many years. Who is in your family? How would you define it?

All of us who believe in that babe in the manger are part of my bigger family. There is the unity created through holy communion. I frequently stop to wonder how many people have sung those sacred hymns like Silent Night. How many people will be singing them with me (if you can count what I do singing) this Christmas eve? What a comforting thought. What a wonderful thing to ponder.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Einstein and I - Both Spoiled

You can tell how my brain is working due to the delay in this posting. What can I say?

Today's verse is "I am the good shephard, who is willing to die for the sheep." John 10:11
Teddy Questions: Do you have any pets? How do people take care of their pets? How does Jesus take care of you?

Our dog Einstein has to be the most spoiled dog this side of teh Mississippi. Bob provides him with food to his liking. The pooch is starting to get pretty particular. He gets more room on the bed than I do. Bob can be watching TV and not here my requests, but a whimper from Einstein gets results. (Of course, if he doesn't listen, Einstein leaves more fragrant reminders to pay attention.)

We are not alone in treating our pet almost human. The unconditional love provided by a family pet cannot be measured. We treat these animals much better than many people in today's society.

The interesting part is to compare this to how Jesus treats us. I know I am not as well behaved as Einstein. I do not always listen. I do not "stay" very well at all. My bark is heard all over town. Yet Jesus still loves me too. Wow. What a wonderful thing to ponder.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Crown Without the Tree

Today's verse is so great for the 3rd Sunday in Advent: "Rejoice and shout for joy! Behold your King is coming to you." Zechariah 9:9

Teddy Activity: Can you make a paper crown to remind you that Jesus is your King?

The Stephens' Brunch held yesterday at church was wonderful. We truly gathered as a family for a time of fellowship. The food was great and the company was better. We concluded with individual blessings for the new year. Tears were shed, smiles aplenty as honest thoughts were shared.

Prior to this, Mary, another leader and good friend, shared with me her delay in the usual Christmas trappings. We compared our shortcomings. I have one tree up, thanks to Bob, but minus any ornaments. She has the tree still in the box sitting on the living room floor. I have signed one card; she has put the address label on one. She was to give a Temple Talk that evening on finding the Christ in Christmas.

Despite my lack of trips to the mall, my absent holiday decorations, my unopened boxes of Christmas cards, I started to feel the Christ in Christmas. It was ever so present in all of the people around me. The work we do as Stephen Ministers is definitely done in Christ's name. We each rely on the help of the Holy Spirit as we begin each visit with our care receivers. Jesus is king. He's stronger than the holiday decorations, commercial advertisements and annual mailings.

So close your eyes amidst the rush and put that crown in the manger. God is good. Happy birthday Jesus.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Speak Up

Weekend has arrived, and the body is weary. The holiday brunch with Stephen Ministry is tomorrow morning. What a blessed group of amazing individuals. Merry Christmas to all of you.

Today's verse is "We have a great high priest, who has gone into heaven, and He is Jesus, the Son of God." Hebrews 4:14
Teddy Questions: When was the last time one of your parents spoke up for you? At the doctor? At school? What other people speak up for you?

How interesting that I begin my writings with note of our Stephen Ministers even prior to my reading of the verse and questions. This tightly knit group has supported me more than they realize. I know that I could call any of them, and they would be there to speak up for me at a moment's notice.

Bob supports me. He sometimes wants to speak up too much, but that is just because he loves me. I know that he would love to do a little more speaking right now if I set him loose. Just knowing that support is all I need.

Stephanie is much more assertive than me. She has begun to reverse our roles as she continually watches over me. I am positive that she would speak up for any of my needs or wishes if given the opportunity. She is not afraid to voice her opinions and express her feelings when the need arises.

I wish people at work would feel free to speak more easily. Some are very supportive while others protect themselves with silence. That fear permeates throughout the building and swallows up one's pride.

I was never one to really stick up for myself, but if anyone dared to speak unkindly about my daughter, mom or husband, watch out. The claws would come out, and the tongue remarkably loosened. I see that trait in Stephanie even more now that she is a mother. (Did you know that I was a grandmother of two adorable boys!) I am glad that she has that strength. It will do her well.

People don't need to actually say or do anything. It is the knowing that they would that lifts my heart in thanksgiving.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Ponder this verse: "The Lord your God will send you a prophet, You are to obey everything he tells you to do." Acts 3:22

Teddy Questions: What is the name of your pastor? Name other people who tell you about God.

The first question is easy while the second one requires thought. There are so many people who tell me about God. My Mom gets most of the credit. Despite her pain and sorrow, she ALWAYS ended phone conversations with "I'll pray about that." Calls of complaint, worry, anxiety, excitement and confusion all brought that same response. I miss her every day.

There was Mrs. Hedberg at church. I remember her Happy Birthday Jesus parties. She taught me that there really was a church family who cared about ME! That was such exciting news to me, and it still is.

My family teaches me about God. Bob is truly a gift from God. He teaches me that it is OK to be mad at God and to pray while commuting in the car. He teaches me about unconditional love and humility. He teaches me about love for the family and the priceless beauty of doing the small things that make such a difference. He supports me through physical and mental pain. Stephanie has given me so many ponder questions throughout her years. She is not afraid to question instead of blindly believing. She reads blogs and participates in the Wired Word, an electronic Bible study with a church message board. (I really want to get one of these for our church.) When I see her family at the altar rail, Chris, Stephanie and Teddy, I feel the Holy Spirit inflate my heart with a humble pride. The faith has been passed and is continuing strongly.

My Uncle Carl, a retired pastor (or supposedly retired pastor), has provided me with answers to some of those pondering questions. His clear writings and song lyrics glue our family's faith to us. His living example of a loving marriage (thanks Aunt Dee) shows others of the sanctity of the wedding vows. His willingness to share his faith with Bob by following my husband's lead is true evangelism.

All of my church friends are examples of the strength of a church family. I am awed by the faith ever evident in their homes and actions. So many people have supported Bob and me that there are too many to mention. Fellow Stephen Ministers and members of the church council provide Christlike help in good times and in bad.

When I worship in my sisters' churches, I can almost feel Mom giving us a hug. All of her grandchildren still attend church. They more than attend; they are active. My own daughter teaches Sunday School, brings friends to MOPS and bakes for fundraisers. When any of the nieces or nephews gather with me for communion, I know God is alive.

I am blessed with such a variety of teachers, each offering their own words and deeds. Thanks God for my living examples of Your love.

Ponder your teachers my dear friends.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Picture This

I still am curious how many pictures of Jesus other people had when you don't count Christmas ones. Were we the only ones with minimal artwork. But, moving on. . .

Today's verse (wow, day ten already) is "I know that my Redeemer lives." Job 19:25

Teddy Question (or Activity Today) is to think of someone you know who has died. Draw a picture of Jesus with that person in heaven.

It's funny to think of the various images of Jesus and how we each painted that portrait. My mom had a picture of Jesus hanging in her bedroom. His silhouette had shoulder-length brown hair with a solemn Caucasian face. It was always comforting though to return home and see this picture upon Mom's wall. We never really talked about the depiction, but I can still close my eyes and clearly visualize the strong features of this quiet man.

Her sister had one of Jesus praying in Gethsemane. He is praying at a stone wall dressed in a long red robe while looking up to the heavens. His face and head emanated a strong glow with a halo like aura surrounding his head. I also picture the one with Jesus knocking at a door. His clothes, the walls and door are all in white to symbolize His holiness. There's the famous Da Vinci portrait of the Last Supper. Even as a youngster, I wondered why everyone sat just on one side of the table. I didn't question the authenticity of the artwork, just the seating arrangement of the disciples. I provided my godson a friendlier version of Jesus welcoming children. If I were asked to close my eyes and picture Jesus, something closer to this depiction would come to mind.

Now, there are images of a much darker skinned Jesus. A paler man would not be common to that area, but the power of the white superiority still holds for artwork found in the US. There are the Joshua books or Oh God movies proclaiming a chameleon like Lord. Would we recognize Him? Do we expect to see him?

We have two images in our home. One is Jesus as a child assisting Joseph in his carpenter shop. The shadow cast upon the floor is in the shape of a cross. We also have a small oval etching with the face of Jesus. Pictures showing important events through His life are hidden in his beard and hair.

I sit here continuing my pondering and wondering what God looks like. Although we were formed in his image, I can't picture Jesus plump or with a crew cut. Some question the gender of God. Does he glow? How old does he look? What about the length of his hair or color of his skin? Is there a whole body or just a face?

I don't really think that it matters how we picture the trinity. Instead, I think Jesus wants us to picture Him. We need to know that our Redeemer really does live. Happy pondering. Be brave and write down some of your images. I would love to hear more.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One, Two, Three

Today’s Verse: "For unto you is born a Savior, Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11
Teddy Questions: How many pictures (or statues) of Jesus are on display in your house all the time (not just at Christmas)?

I was so excited to start reading today’s well known verse recited worldwide on Christmas day. The brain started to rumble as I delightedly planned today’s blog. The birth of a baby – what an easy correlation to my own life. Did any of you know that I had a new grandson? Yippee!!

Then I got to the Teddy questions! The first is a simple task for the number is quite low, particularly when you rule out all of the nativity sets enjoyed during the month of December. There really is a follow-up question to parents; why are there so few representations of Christ?

I only have one small statue with Christ’s picture in our family room. It sits on a shelf along with ninety million other things considered to be of worth. (The older you get, the more junk you accumulate. It seems to be attracted to you by some invisible magnetic field.)

We have multiple Bibles. I like to compare different translations. We have other artwork with Bible verses. A large sign in the kitchen states, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” My bags from various church committees lay on the floor, often overflowing with things that need my attention. Do all of those tasks I have on my To Do list take my focus off of Christ?

Last night I had a council meeting at church. I got home, did a little emailing (and even a little of virtual farming) then crawled up to bed. (With my bad leg, crawl is not an exaggeration!) When I was halfway up, I realized that I had forgotten to write today’s blog. The call of the bed was stronger than the will to write. My priorities were off.

So now do I go buy 16 porcelain statues of Christ? I don’t feel that Jesus wanted his representation to be sold at the local dollar store. That seems far too commercialized in our busy world. But there are some simpler ways for people to publically relay their faith. What are your ways? Would Jesus think that would be a good idea? Ponder what is good for you and your family!

God bless!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Teacher Appreciation

Today's verse: "You call me teacher and Lord, and you should because that is who I am. And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other." John 13:13-14

Teddy Questions: Who is your favorite teacher? Write all of your teachers thank-you letters for Christmas.

The first thing that automatically popped out of this verse is obviously the teacher part. I have spent 31 years (well, 30.5 years) in the classroom. I love my work with the kids, but the paperwork and some of the adults make me pull out my hair. (I'm trying to just pull out the gray ones. With a look in the mirror, that is not hard to do.) I take great pride in this occupation and the special students entrusted in my care.

I think of all the people who teach me. My husband teaches me about unconditional love. His small actions that continually occur prove how important a good marriage is. My daughter teaches me to be more assertive. She encourages me to have faith in my abilities. My son-in-law teaches me about responsibility. He daily sacrifices a great deal of personal satisfaction in order to serve the US as an officer in the Navy. My grandson Teddy teaches me to enjoy life. Get off the couch and go play choo-choo to forget about any aches or pains. Ollie, my grandson of four days, teaches me that there is a holy creator. One glance down at those tiny hands makes you look up in prayers of thanksgiving.

My students teach me things every day. I learn about fighting adversity as they struggle to read. Many of their families struggle economically. What a lesson on priorities. How blessed economically we are! My sisters teach me the value of family. Even my dog Einstein (named for the hair and not the brains) teaches me to spend more time enjoying life and to forgive more easily. Friends from church teach me about the Christian family. I learn of faith, prayer and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Who are your teachers? Who do you teach? God has given us many to help guide us through our daily lives. Plus I must never forget the best teacher of all, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Sheep in the Sky

My apologies for the delay in posting the article entitled Growing Boys. It was written in plenty of time, but I mislabeled it as a draft. Perhaps today you need to read two my ponderings. That sounds like a lot to people who don't know me, but my thoughts are often not in any depth or magnitude. So let's get started with today's.

Bible Verse for Today: Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. John 1:29
Teddy Questions: Do you have any toy lambs (or sheep) at your house? Find one to put near the manger scene.

I just flew home to hubby, job, cold weather and pooch to let my daughter's family begin to settle in with their newest little member. While Stephanie was in the hospital, I had a routine with little Teddy to help him prepare for Jesus' birthday. Thoughts of a new baby made sense to him since he just experienced the coming of a baby. His own second birthday was celebrated a little early to not minimize its importance. Birthdays to him mean friends and cake and balloons and fun. Jesus would love it.

Anyway, each morning I would move the candy cane to show the new December date. My sister Kathy sent him an Advent calendar where you get tiny little symbols out of a box to hang on the scene. So far we had 2 birds, an angel, donkey and 2 sheep. Although one hangs in a tree, Teddy knows it hangs near the reserved spot for baby Jesus.

After an hour or so of play time, we went to his second Advent calendar. (It seems like my sister Kathy and I had the same idea. They are not the identical calendars though so they both work as part of the daily routine.) There again we would count to the day and find a different hidden treasure behind the numbered door. He would peek at the magnetic piece to announce its identity while using his own verbiage to describe it. The stars were "twinkle, twinkle" complete with the opening and closing of his small, fat fist. The shepherd was a "Da, Da" to his little eyes. Now, animals have begun to fill the barn. There is a "moo" and a couple of "baa(s)" already gently positioned on the scene. He knows baby animals surrounded '"baby" Jesus on the day of His birth.

His favorite Advent calendar though is the cheap one I bought at a nearby store. After lunch, Teddy would open the cardboard door to find chocolate shaped characters. He once had to quick let me see an already wet chocolate rendition of a participant at "Jesus' birthday". What do you know! A sheep was there too. (It was there only a short time prior to being devoured by my young grandson.)

That foundation is being formed, It will be built upon in coming years. Stephanie and Chris are supplying him with the information needed as he begins to know Jesus. I'm sure he will gradually have many things to ponder and present questions to his parents for them to ponder too.

Although these Advent countdowns take little time for Teddy to complete, he does them daily. I too am taking time daily to think of the upcoming birth. I don't want to prioritize these writings at a level where I can skip a day, for then it becomes two days, then three.

I remember once hearing from a pulpit, if Jesus looked at your checkbook, could He tell you were a Christian. I have expanded that to be, if He looked at your calendar, could He tell you were a Christian? If He looked at the books in your home, could He tell you were a Christian? If He looked at how you spend your time in the evenings, could He tell you were a Christian? If He looked at how you talked to friends, coworkers and family, could he tell you were a Christian?
If He looked at you this Advent season, could he tell you were a Christian?

Ponder that.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Growing Boys

With waiting for the birth of my new little Ollie, the emotions of waiting for the birth and second coming of Christ seem all the more real. Thank you God for being alive and here. Help me to show both Ollie and Teddy the joy of the Holy Spirit.

Today's verse: "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me." John 15:5

Teddy questions: How many growing plants are in your house? What do people do to help them grow? What happens if people forget to water them?

We have some plants, but I am not sure how many are really growing. The whole forget to water question could be part of our browning leaves and withered stems.

I'm captured by the question of what people should do to help growth. It matched my opening paragraph prior to me even reading the question. My nightly prayers have burst with thanksgiving and pondering questions. What will Ollie see as he gets older? How will big brother Teddy react to all of this sharing stuff? When Chris is out to sea, how will Stephanie balance all of her responsibilities while clutching on to her own sanity? How can Bob and I help this family across the miles? How will they continue to grow both physically and spiritually? Help me God find out these answers.

Teddy's and my last questions match. His refers to a potted plant while mine is for moving children. What can we do to help the boys in their healthy growth as Christians and sturdy, active children?

Our participation in our home church will help show that church is more than a building to weekly drop off kids for Sunday School. The feeling of family we have at Prince of Peace surprises so many unchurched peers that it will surely impact their yearning for a similar unique bond. Even our extended families are surprised at the support we continually receive. The boys will hear and meet fellow Stephen Ministers, PPC and BOSM members and church staff. They will learn how these people have helped Poppy and I during our greatest time of need. All of their senses will be overflowing with the unconditional love offered by our church family.

They will receive Christian gifts to show the stories within the Bible. Currently, Noah can be found driving a Little People's police car. Advent calendars with donkeys dangling from the sky symbolize the upcoming birth of Christ. The daily chocolate shows good things are still to come. A Little People's nativity will help bring the characters alive. Books to read provide information upon which to build a strong foundation.

Stephanie and Chris have done a wonderful job fulfilling the promises made at Teddy's baptism. They bring him to church. My dear Teddy is well known within his church walls as I hear greetings as we amble up to communion or talk to grandmotherly nursery attendants from their MOPS program. Teddy knows his way through the halls and feels comfortable in the security offered in this holy place. Bob and I can support that comfort and encourage the beauty found in their Christian home.

Another memory is forever etched in my heart as I watch my young grandson fold his hands in prayer and vocalizes his appreciation to God for his daily meals. Although I cannot yet understand his utterances, I know that God has captured the essence of the moment.

My prayers are full of cries to help these young children grow into men believing in the power of God. As my eyes slowly close in the evenings, I fall asleep talking to God and opening my heart. Throughout the day, we dialogue (or mostly I monologue) about the hidden gifts wrapped within these children. May God strengthen both Bob and I, relieve some of our pain, and continue to provide us with the resources to witness to both Teddy and Ollie.

As I glance at the family trees advertised in flashy flyers from Hallmark and Things Remembered, I picture faces of my own family among the branches. God has entrusted me to help the growth of the Williams family. What a wonderful privilege.

What are you growing for Christ? How are your branches? Ponder on that for awhile.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Whole Wheat Split Top or Plain Old White

A tired grandmother is sprawled on her daughter's couch contemplating the amount of energy in a two year old grandson. How can legs that small go that far of a distance so quickly? Thanks though God for having him healthy.

I also sit in a state of serenity over my new grandson, Oliver Robert Williams. What a wonderful touch of God's skill in creation. To look at those tiny fingernails, hold him on my chest, listen to his sounds - God is definitely around me. He is alive. What a sense of peace to hold him.

The verse today fits with my new grandmother state.

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry; whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35
Teddy Questions: How many slices of bread did you eat yesterday? Did you have enough?

Wow, an eating verse. That is that Ichida skill that you have heard of often. We have plenty to eat, too much by the looks of our profiles. Yet eating is a cultural past-time. You invite friends for dinner. You meet for a fast lunch. Eating is something that I do well.

Yet God wasn't talking about the whole wheat vs white bread controversy. He was talking about things we need in order to live. We need food and drink. We need air. All else is fluff? Not quite.

I am so happy that Bob and I followed our hearts and had me stay out another week. I can close my eyes and feel the weight of this tiny bundle curled on my chest. The name is French for "peace". That is exactly the feeling I got when I cradled him in my arms. Peace!

I worry about Chris on his next deployment. Obama has sent additional troops to distant lands. We forget about each and every serviceman fighting for peace in faraway lands. I so want and need peace. Let there be an end to the fighting Lord. God, bring them all home safely. Grant each military personel the energy and love extended their ways.

I am off work today and have been so all week. I would not have done that 5 years ago. My priorities are still probably the same, but the power I place on each one has strengthened. God and family are first, followed by work requirements. I will never get the opportunity again to hold my newborn grandson in my arms and rock him. Work can wait.

I love those carbs. Throw in a little fruit and I am set. Breads are wonderful and considered a direct gift from heaven. But God is what I really need. He is my strength. His power of creation is awesome.

Just look at little Oliver and Teddy. I can't forget Andy's and Jacqi's new roommates: Benjamin and Sarah. God is alive. God is the bread of life. God is with me this Advent season.

Do you have other ideas on how God is the bread of your life. If so, write it down. Thanks for reading this. I have heard from some of you that you read but don't comment. That's fine. I will still share my daily ponderings. (I don't think that is a word, but I like it anyway.)

Ponder God who is your bread of life. Find him. He is alive and with you now!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christ what?

I’m at my computer typing my response to what will be posted tomorrow. I try to be organized even though I only have four members. I am curious about the responses of others. Thanks Michelle and Bob for being open. I need to remind myself that this blog is from me. I am trying to ponder life and get even closer to Christ through my own jabbering. It is giving me a sense of peace. I hope it will help others.

Today’s verse is “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16

Teddy Questions: Why is this holiday called Christmas? Can you think of any other words that start with Christ. . .?

The first word that came to mind was Christian, something I try to be better at.

I love that Jesus is the Son of the living God. He is with me, not in a dusty Bible but the feeling of serenity and peace that comes during quiet times of dialogue through prayer. I KNOW God is with my daughter now as she labors to give birth to a son. I KNOW God is with me now as I sit typing words of thanksgiving. I KNOW God is with my husband, struggling at home with his own chronic pain but awaiting a call about a miracle. I KNOW God is with me when things at work weight my soul. I KNOW God is with me now as I type these words on my new blog.

Yes, I am a Christian. Although too often not Christlike (I don’t think that is a real word) my aim is to slow down and concentrate on the presence of the living God around me. Close your eyes, sit in prayer and God will enfold you in his arms.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Saver

Today's verse is from Matthew 1:21
You will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

Teddy Questions - Try to think of something you have found that ws lost. Once you had "saved" it, where did you keep it?

I am known for my saving style. Bob laughs that the first place I head in a store is their clearance racks. Take me out to eat (once again eating) and I whip out a coupon for buy one, get one free. I'm a target for cunning marketers who advertise, "Buy one, get one free." I get caught up in all of those sales where you have to buy $900 worth of products to get a free item worth 25 cents. Just think what I saved! Bob shakes his head and has learned to save his time and energy by feigning enthusiasm over my newest trinket I got for FREE. Who cares if we don't own a cat; think of the money I saved.

Stephanie laughs at other ways I save, perhaps because she also is gullible for those crafty advertisers. My closet is bursting with clothes that my less than petite body has not been squeezed into for at least 36 years. There are those plastic dishes in the crawl space I saved when I got married just in case Stephanie would want them when she started her own home. I can't ignore the 37 piles of magazines I have saved in case I want to reread a fascinating article. I think you can see where I am going.

My daughter is a tosser. If it sits more than 3.6 seconds on a counter, consider it gone. JUNK! She doesn't need to gather items "just in case". Many young adults parallel her beliefs of less is more. Maybe because I was a single mom for so long with a limited income I need to accumulate items that still have some use. Bob and I had the "ghetto" microwave for years after its LED lights burnt out since it still heated up items just fine.

That is how Jesus is with us. He saves many of us that others would label junk. He values each of us as a valued treasure. We are kept in his heart despite age or condition. God placed Him here to save us even with our burnt out lights and newer available models. I'm glad He didn't ponder long about my worth.

So I will force myself to get rid of some of those boxes I haven't gotten around to unpacking since we got married (twenty years ago) and admit the size 6 polyester bell bottoms can go. Instead, I will look for the value placed inside each of us. Jesus would like this new kind of saving.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

God is With Us

I continue to be amazed at what many people call coincidences but I view as God trying to get my attention. Certain songs, sermons or readings feel like they occur with me in mind. This past Sunday upon entering church here in Connecticut I was greeted with a quiet organ rendition of Amazing Grace. Many of you know the strong link those notes hold to special memories of my mom. While my thoughts were bursting with anxiety about the upcoming birth of my grandchild, my mom quietly whispered that things would be fine. She reminded me to turn it over to God. He was with me!

So it is with Teddy’s Bible verse for today. His paper manger tells me to read Matthew 1:23. A virgin will conceive and bear a son, and he will be called Immanuel (which means, “God is with us”).

Teddy’s two questions are “Do you know why you were given your name? Do you know what it means?’

These are slightly more difficult questions than yesterday, yet fun to tell friends and companions. I was named Janet after the youngest Lennon sister. My parents weekly watched the old favorite The Lawrence Welk Show where a quartet of talented siblings crooned away. The youngest was named Janet. That is the closest thing I have going for any musical talent. My middle name is Lu, after my dear mom, Lucille. I love that the meaning is “light and lovely”. Once again, the name is the closest thing I have going for anything light (other than our holiday checkbook) or lovely.

Meanwhile, I wait to find out the name of my soon-to-be grandson. Chris and Stephanie have compromised to learn the gender of the infant but want the name to be announced upon their son’s birth. Stephanie had quite a list of rules needed to be met for her new offspring. The name should be three syllables, have multiple shortened versions, not start with letters C, S, T or L and have a definition suitable for this young lad. Bob has continually baited Stephanie with questions in the hopes of an inadvertent reply. I don’t like MY grandchild to be IT or BABY, so I somehow came up with the name FESTUS. The name is now well known and often seen in our church bulletin’s prayer list supplied by multiple people besides the Ichida clan.

How comforting to know that God is with us. I remember one of my first nights at the rehab institute when pain still racked my body following my back fusion. I was past frustration with the strong limitations placed upon me. I closed my eyes to pray and was astounded to not be able to find the words. I couldn’t come up with the phrases for the Lord’s Prayer. I had said that prayer since a young child. How could my memory also desert me?

Gradually, a sense of peace filled me as I felt the presence of Christ. The Holy Spirit whispered, “God is with you.”

When has God been with you? Where are you the closest? Are you as close to God as He is with you? Ponder that awhile.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Alpha and Omega

As I wrote yesterday, my grandson Teddy got some wonderful Advent calendars at his church on Sunday. One of these countdowns shows a daily Bible verse with some simple questions. Due to my basically lazy nature, I'm going to use the same verses while pondering beyond the provided questions. The way my feeble mind wanders, that won't be hard.

Today's verse: Revelations 1:17
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last."

Teddy had the questions of
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your last name?

Although my mind cells are shrinking, I thought I could go slightly beyond these discussion points. I started pondering about the many "firsts" in my life and quickly noticed most of them were happy ones.

I remember the first time I met Bob all those years ago. We went to the Downers Grove Heritage Fest with my sister and her family. Our first date was at Greek Town where I excused myself just in time to have him order the meal. (I think it is a pretty good test for a new date. He thought I was nuts!) Not soon after was the first time Bob met my mom. We went out to eat at the Dock, and she could quickly see why I had fallen in love. The first time I met Bob's family was another meal out. (Maybe you can see a trend here causing elastic to surround my waist.) We ate at a Chinese restaurant with dishes all containing fish. There was one slight problem. At the time, I ate hardly any Chinese and I strongly disliked any fish. Add a daughter at the ripe age of four, and you can wonder how Bob and I ever got married.

Prior to that was the first time I tried to drive a stick shift. My dad quickly asked me to take him home. There was the first airplane ride and my first visit to Woodfield Mall. (I was in Y-Teens in Rock Island.) I remember hearing of the birth of my first nephew. My excitement forced me outside to play in the November leaves in Jacksonville, IL where I student taught in a classroom of deaf-blind children.

More recently, there was the first time I saw my grandson. I raced through the airport hallways only to be flooded with a sense of pride never even dreamed of before. That wasn't long after the first time I realized I couldn't clutch so tightly to my dear Stephanie. She had found the man of her dreams and was about to begin a life of her very own firsts.

Lasts tend to bring a note of solemn isolation. The last time I saw my mom alive, she was concluding her long battle with chronic pain. The last time I was married, it ended with the harsh reality of unfaithfulness. A stark realization is that I cannot recall the last time I was without pain.

Today's verse reminds me that Advent is a time to ponder about our firsts and lasts. God is the Alpha and the Omega. He was "there to hear (my) borning cry" and will be there when I "close (my) weary eyes". He was first here as a babe in the manger and "He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end."

What are your firsts and lasts that come to mind? Have you shared them with your loved ones. How do you show others you believe in the first time Christ walked on this Earth? Do you honestly believe that his next and last time to come may be just days away?

Take time to ponder. Take time to prepare. I'll "jabber" to you more tomorrow.