Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Bounce, the Mouse and the Monkey

Stephanie and the boys came to visit this weekend, superb dates since they precede their birthdays only by a few days. We celebrated in style hitting all the headline locations for the preschool boys crowd.

We began the weekend with some time at the newish Yu Kids Island at the mall. There are tons of things on which to climb and bounce and turn and laugh. One enclosed space has big balloons floating through the air thanks to a fan. There are bounce houses and swingy things. We followed that with a dinner at Lou’s pizza with fabulous friends that we don’t get to see very frequently. That’s the nice thing about true friends. Even time can’t alter the good feelings when you gather together.

Today was tons of Christmas books and lunch at Steak n Shake. (Are you starting to get the feeling of my limited culinary skills?)  We hit a big craft show at a local high school however I had no cash and no checks and nobody took my charge card. It was good for finances I suppose. Then was the big birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. The grandsons were not having a party at their home since they are new residents and don’t yet have close friends. Stephanie invited some local friends and family. Chris’ brother came with their three small fry. Bob’s older brother came. The shocking part was that he had never been to a Chuck E. Cheese before. Picking 5 PM on a Saturday night is like putting an autistic kid in the mosh pit at a concert. Culture shock! The boys love him so it was wonderful that he could make it. My sister and niece drove up from another suburb. Kathy thought it had been about 22 years since she was brave enough to venture into this pizza establishment. It might be 22 years until she returns.

There’s more fun scheduled for tomorrow. We’ll make it to church, Monkey Joe’s and Portillo’s before they need to head for home. We pack these days full and I love every minute of it. I do lack some of my normal energy level after they leave, but my brain overflows with good memories. Life is good.

So it was a wonderful weekend filled with grandsons galore. Other family members joined in the festivities to only heighten the good times. These are some of the people who mean so much to me and help me make it through when times get tougher. I have a support group that can’t be beat.

At first, Bob was going to skip THE mouse tonight. He was sore and tired and Lewy hovered nearby. Yet he realized that he couldn’t let Lewy take the day away from him. The whole wallowing for sympathy just doesn’t cut it when he could be spending time with his adorable grandsons. I think he ended up having as much fun as the boys.

So life is quite good here. I continue to value the people who are in my life and who will be here for the long haul. I love splurging on childhood memories. I can still hear the echoes of their laughter. Life is good.

God Uses My Blog to Prove that Life is Good
      Times for pity wallowing are reduced when confronted head on.

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