Tuesday, December 11, 2012

May I Introduce Lewy to You

Once again, the calendar keeps going even though I am doing my best to make it through the days. The possible blog topics are many because our household is always fun. Lewy wants to join in our holiday celebrations. Instead of dreading its appearance, I am learning to invite it along. God bless our friends who are coming face to face with Lewy and then decide to stay for the ride.

Last Saturday was another instance when Lewy struck when we were out of the confines of our home. We were seated with a group of Stephen Ministers when I noticed that glazed and non-blinking stare that indicates a visit by Lewy. Bob’s shoulders became slumped and he began a slight lean to the side. I knew what was happening, but our wonderful friends had never been introduced so intimately to Lewy. You know me. I can never turn down a teachable moment especially when I have some audiovisual available. Lewy tried to scare us off and he failed. People were politely interested in this “trancelike” pose. Occasionally, Bob can hear some of the conversations around him, but even that is getting more muddled for him. I wasn’t sure if he would remain as a frozen statue for 5 minutes or 5 hours. A fabulous friend, Carol, just pulled over her chair and gently rubbed his back. Judy pulled over to catch any falls while Jill, my newfound compassionate comrade, better described my feelings and needs. I had lost some of the kindhearted conversations with my dear friend Linda, but she just came and gave me one of those long and silent hugs that tingle you all the ways to your toes.

I just opened a Christmas letter from my favorite uncle who is known for his lengthy Christmas letters. At the conclusion of this year’s epistle, he added his personal touch asking for “God to give (us) His blessing, relieve the dreadful issues that test (our) faith and supply the strength and peace only Jesus can give.” When I am done here, Uncle Carl will be the recipient of one of my emails for I must reassure him that our faith is far from tested. Instead, Lewy has more firmly planted God’s presence in our souls. Look what Lewy is doing! Our marriage could not be stronger. Our daughter is a refreshing breath of the Holy Spirit. Her young boys offer a splash of encouragement that allows us to view a wink by Jesus. Bob and I have been given the opportunity to share information about Lewy. Awareness can only bring hope to the many people who daily confront this dementia. Oh Uncle Carl, our faith is strong and a beacon to others for life is what you make it, and life is good.

God Uses this Blog So I Can Prove that Life is Good
         Thanks God! Awareness can only make life better for us and others.

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