Tuesday, December 4, 2012

No Ho-Ho-Ho

Our home is somewhat Christmasized: two decorated trees, lights outside and mangers on the mantle. There is lots more needed to be done, but that is always the case with all of us. There are photo Christmas cards sitting on the kitchen island while the final draft of our Christmas letter is saved on my desktop. Knowing me, I’ll frantically try to avoid a December 27th delivery. Two big tubs sit in our hallway reminding me that more is to be done. Those boxed snowmen and smiling Santas won’t be unpacked by any visiting elves.  There is lots of fun chores to be done, but instead, I sit in the family room somewhat in a daze.

The weather here would have Frosty melted in 4.2 seconds if we even had building materials. (That’s in reference to the snow, not the carrots!) The increased temperature has even brought this area national recognition. These nightly reports fail to include the fact that a weather low will soon attack our home with a vengeance. I could look for further input from a television weather forecast bursting with the use of colorful maps and live Doppler reports but none of that is needed for I have a less-than-secret meteorological wizard. Waa-laa; that’s me.

My creaky bones holler about an oncoming front that is bound to wreak havoc on my frazzled body. My layer of fat do nothing to ease the burden. Gosh durn it – it hurts. I tried to go for a refreshing walk with our spoiled pooch, but it ended with a sloth like shuffle. My coat hood was tightly affixed around my cute little face to avoid a vertigo tango through our neighborhood. For some unknown reason, anything more than a slight breeze causes a drunken foxtrot by yours truly. When the screeching bones mix with that vertigo twirl, I lack any luster of holiday spirit. It looks more like I’ve been in the holiday spirits.

I told Bob earlier that I’m tired of our physical bodies staging a constant mutiny. I want to partake in holiday fun but my rounded frame is doing its best to strike fun from my calendar. Bob’s body has similar disabilities and Lewy adds some unique personal characteristics. Today the HO-HO –HO was more like OH-OH-OH!

We’ll soon head upstairs to pretend a restful sleep will soothe us. Another nightmare or two will probably attack poor Bob. Pain pills will cause a drugged sleep that lacks any resemblance to soothing, yet tomorrow will be a better day.

I have my husband to help me make it through each day and I try to guide his body around the Lewy attacks. My bones and joints bring me far less distress than the cognitive threats to my honey. His happy memories of past holiday traditions are now twisted and out of focus. So, we’ll try to have the best of both: holiday traditions from years long past mixed with new activities matching our current needs. Christ will still be born in that stable and He still watches over me. Aah – life is good.

God Uses This Blog to Remind Me that Life is Good
           By writing out my thoughts, I put the Christ back in Christmas.

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