Saturday, August 11, 2012


I’m learning from this blog that I spend an amazing amount of time hunkered down on my couch in the family room. It’s where I am on the computer and watch TV. It’s where I delve into my morning devotions. It’s even where I frequently eat since becoming an empty nester.

Bob and I went to our Stephen Ministry meeting this morning. I love this group of people more each time I am in their midst. We truly laugh, cry, confide and eat all within our morning time slot. We are bound to confidentiality that really brings more private discussions. We prepare our prayer list for the month as we gather names to be included in our calls to God. These people gathered in that room provide me with spiritual and emotional fuel to keep me moving. I know that I can call on anyone in that group and they would do their best to be at my side at a moment’s notice. Thank you God for letting them be part of my life. The Stephen Ministry philosophy has done me more good than I have ever given to others.

Stephanie and Bob did their annual shopping for a new outfit as part of her birthday celebration. This idea started back when she was about to begin kindergarten and was in need of school clothes. Even though she no longer goes to school and can’t be claimed as a dependent on our tax forms, this ritual has continued with Stephanie’s goody bags only getting larger. I love to sit back and watch them both swing into action. Now I say the word “outfit” very loosely for Stephanie came out of the store this time with FIVE outfits. Yep, she is Poppy’s girl.

We came back home and later continued her early birthday celebration. My goofy child is not really a fan of cakes, so this year she got a big container of that taco dip. She got a variety of things for her new office/craft room in pink (a color deprived of her since becoming a mother of two boys), so it was easy getting gifts to compliment that room.  It’s been a long time since she could purchase things that were pink to display throughout her home.

I’m tired. The little ones are on Eastern time so arrived by my bed a tad bit earlier than I would have expected. It’s amazing how much time I spend on the floor when my little buddies are in town. I love the rough housing and personal transformation in to a jungle gym, but my body definitely calls “time”  in a short time period. Their schedule keeps them busy since Chris’ family is visiting his brother in a nearby town, but we do manage to get in our share of shopping and laughing.

That’s really it for tonight. Nothing is too exciting here, but I guess that really is going to explain more and more of the days in the future. Continue those prayers for my husband please. There are a lot of tough notions in that prognosis.

With that I will say adieu. Thanks for caring enough to read my postings. May tomorrow bring you good health and a good body to enjoy it with.

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Love is Good
      -  Our love is just multiplied by watching the interactions of my daughter’s family.

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