Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Morning - No, an Evening - Discussion

There are many directions that this blog could take today. After spending some quality time with the grandsons, daughter and son-in-law, I always have plenty of options for this blog to take. The one that hits me the strongest is the church service we attended to start our day.

Stephanie’s church is large and friendly with many features that reach out and welcome strangers. There is actually a team of people to assist in the parking lot. They cover everything from pointing to empty parking slots and holding open umbrellas over those people dropped off at the door. Those are really simple things but important for starting out with a great welcome.

I noticed in the bulletin plenty of interesting things coming up in the next few weeks. Listed were the Bible studies, two different weekends to ring bells for Salvation Army, making Advent jars for the family and more. I like that they have small key chains available that list the church and pastors’ phone numbers in case you are involved in a situation that needs a more direct path to God. If you have an emergency, you have the phone numbers right in hand – literally.

I was very touched by the way this church celebrates the Eucharist. People go up for intinction and then have the opportunity to head back to the seats, kneel for some talking time to God, or join the pastor and some prayer team members for a blessing and prayer. People go at their own rate without having any pressure to speed it up. Both Bob and I kneeled at different spots and had our own dialogues with Jesus. I had to admit that my cover as a devoted Christian was a little off kilter. I believe in Jesus, that hasn’t wavered a bit, but I sure base my calendar on what I want to do, where I want to go, and when I will get there. I pretend to be the big prayer expert when I don’t always base my life in that direction. I haven’t been consistently going to God asking his opinion on how I spend my day: I give a fast this is my plan and then I’m out the door. My best is the inclusion of “I hope you like it God!” I can’t even blame it on a need to rush for an early appointment for I have plenty of mornings when I crawl down the steps and plop open the computer.

I’ve taken communion for about 40 years now, but this particular opportunity touched my soul in a special way as it cradled my thoughts in honesty. I’m not preparing a major switch in my actions, but hopefully you might see a more tender side of my actions. We’ll see what God says tomorrow morning. (A more accurate statement would read what God says tonight about tomorrow, for God knows he sure didn’t mold a morning person here!) Life is good. That’s how the conversation will start.

God Uses This Blog to Prove that Life is Good
        Talk about a great church service might just encourage someone to attend a place of worship. Aaaah. Life is good.

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