Thursday, December 1, 2011

Down on My Knees

Life is good!

We arrived in Connecticut late Tuesday evening. Bob and I were pretty pooped by the time we got to finally hold our wonderful grandsons. Since then, I have delighted in bath time, meal discussions, and just plain old play time. I have read Peek-a-Boo and The Snowmen at least a dozen times each. We played at Tumble class with Ollie as he experienced the balance beam and long, colorful tunnels and picked up Teddy from pre-school.

There’s a sense of peace amidst the hectic schedule in the home of two toddlers. They anxiously await their birthdays, both falling within the next seven days. With all the hype of Christmas also in the air, it seems like their calendar is exploding with exciting events. Their church is having a big Advent party, Teddy’s pre-school is having an arts and crafts afternoon, and Chris’s base is offering a holiday extravaganza complete with movies for families. Plus, there is a big birthday party scheduled to celebrate my boys.

A very unique event is the christening of my son-in-law’s submarine this Saturday. I have never been privy to such a unique celebration. I am unsure of the specific details, but I am confident that I will be the proudest mother-in-law in attendance.

My crooked body has managed to tickle tummies, make train tracks and buy Happy Meals. I am treasuring the time for I know it will pass quickly. I slowly trudge to the second floor, my speed decelerating with each stair. My shins have new bruises from falls here in the northeast but those too will heal. I feel blessed to be doing as well as I am and grateful that my credit card works just as well in Connecticut.

Don’t let the calendar steal Advent from your life. Remember there are priorities being made each day. Are you honestly so busy that you can’t give God ten minutes each day to read the Bible or fifteen minutes to spend in prayer and meditation. It’s all up to you. Remember what made life so good.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
     -  Since I fall so often, I already am on my knees. I might as well talk to God.

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