Saturday, November 12, 2011

Call Me Mrs. Excitement

Well, I’m slightly more coherent today, but not quite “there” all the same. This morning, I was fortunate enough to provide the continuing education for our church’s Stephen Ministers. The topic was prayer: two exciting new programs that we will soon offer as well as using beads as prayer tools. With my brain closely resembling the product of a local smoothie machine, I need all of the help that I can get. I have found these aids to be beneficial to both my prayer and meditation practices. (Wow, that last sentence sounded pretty official.)

Despite my thrill at talking about improving prayer at my church, it really wore mr out. By the time I made it home, I could hear my bed screeching for me once Bob drove within three miles of our home. I gratefully used the stair chair, and then grimaced as I placed this cumbersome body on the bed. I read about two paragraphs prior to falling asleep. The pain still woke me frequently throughout the afternoon, but it began to give me some relief.

I really need to discover the best settings for walking, moving and even typing up my blog. They weren’t kidding when I was told the no reaching, bending or twisting rules. The twinges that I feel aren’t really comfortable, and our couch does little to reassure my back that all is fine with the world. Yet, I’m doing much better now than I did yesterday so I am heading in the right direction.

Tomorrow afternoon I hope to show my respects at the funeral of a truly loving and Christian man. My favorite part of this chivalrous gentleman is how he referred to his late wife. Although she preceded his death by many years, he always referred to her as “his bride.” He loved for life. He was a fabulous role model to the young and old alike. As one of our church’s first Stephen Ministers, he daily demonstrated Christ’s love for neighbors. Cancer is a fast foe, attacking all races, genders and socioeconomic groups with amazing strength. We’ll miss you Art!

You have now heard my thrilling weekend plans. I can hereafter be called Mrs. Excitement. It’s always pure ecstasy around here. Yet, I notice improvement today compared with yesterday so I’m confident that life is not only good, but getting better each day.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
     -  When you feel cruddy after a “procedure,” the only way to go is up. J

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