Friday, November 11, 2011

Bionic Woman to Combat Skunk Population

My neurostimulator is scheduled to be inserted in about an hour. I must admit that it feels almost surreal to finally have the big day arrive. How amazing to have wires inside me that I will activate at the touch of a remote. Technology has expanded so much. You might just be able to refer to me as the Bionic Woman. Of course, if they put wires around every part of me that hurts and might benefit from a little touch of technological pain relief, I would more closely resemble the inside of a computer tower or NASCAR engine.

I giggled when I heard that we have almost reached my out of pocket medical expenses for the year. Could it possibly be related to our five doctor appointments for this week alone? I’m sure we are making some Lexus car dealer very happy.

Einstein is meanwhile making his groomer very pleased. He had another encounter with a Mama Skunk and lost. The goofy dog went directly after her once he was let out the door, and then a second time because he was angry that he got sprayed. Now the last time this happened, it was warm outside. I had on shorts and could use the garden hose to wash down the pooch. This time it was in the 30’s, not quite short weather. Even with the plummeting thermometer, we didn’t want the stench of an angry skunk to enter our home. You think we would have learned and had both tomato juice and boracic acid on hand. Nope! Luckily a neighbor had ¾ of a jar of spaghetti sauce. That worked pretty well, but I had difficulty rinsing out the specks of oregano. At least this time, Bob was with Einstein. Now we are even.

I hope today’s unique date brings good things your way. It supposedly brings angels to watch over you and even improve your love life. It doesn’t say anything about good health or skill from surgeons, but it can’t hurt.

I appreciate any extra prayers. I’m wondering whether the wires will somehow vibrate like my old braces did. I could occasionally hear radio signals when I opened my mouth and faced a certain direction. Wouldn’t that be cool if I could do that again or get free WIFI? I’ll keep you up to date. Wow! Life is good!

God Uses Chronic Pain to Show that Life is Good:
     -  Who else has the opportunity to get free WIFI or perhaps extra phone service due to implanted wires? This could really be neat. 

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