In some ways, I’m surprised that I can hear the thunder at all for my migraine is pounding louder than a big brass drum. It’s managed to keep me confined at home for I won’t risk hurting others by stubbornly going behind the wheel. My bravery consists solely of creeping downstairs to cling to our family room couch. Yesterday, I was the one twisting away even without the help of Chubby Checkers. My surroundings are spinning now with the TV passing by about every 3 seconds or so. At least things are on an even plane so my walking creates less tumbles and crashes.
Poor little Einstein is really having a rough go of it. With the somehow innate abilities for canines to recognize discomfort in their owners, Einstein attached himself to my thigh with duct tape and Velcro. He wasn’t going anywhere. I felt guilty as I tried to gaze in those big, black eyes only to see about nine or ten faces. I haven’t seen that much of a kaleidoscope effect since looking at our communion glasses one sunny Sunday. Although I have tried to encourage him exploring any other section of the house, he remains devotedly at my side. I suppose he is another example of God’s unconditional love. Einstein wants me to know he is ready to help at a moment’s notice during my time of need even when I turn from that assistance. Could God feel dejected when I try to push him away in a similar fashion? I think He is more like my pooch, patiently waiting for me to call Him to my side. I did try to take my dog out for a bathroom break, but when he saw that rain pounding down on the ground’s surface, he decided to cross his paws instead. Wise choice! I wasn’t crazy about heading out either.
So the two of us sit on the couch, waiting for the Mighty Three to ebb somewhat. Shamefully, I admit that I am back on narcotics again. I have been prescribed a new pharmaceutical miracle that is supposed to help take the edge off. In the past two weeks, I have taken two other pills. They stop the spinning from 900 mph to a more reasonable 850 mph. I needed to skip yoga today, for I didn’t trust myself driving or even need to pretend to willow like a tree bending in the wind. I’m more like a pinball crashing against the sides while played by some huge, neurotic teenager with anger issues.
At least God is along for the ride, probably just as confused about the end result of a pinball game as He is about his invention of the hippo. I’m tightly holding on with God on my right side and Einstein glued to my left thigh. It makes typing somewhat cumbersome, so I’ll end this post with well wishes for you all.
Today’s Benefit of the Mighty Three:
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