Another day is drawing to a close, and I regret to write that it was not the type of day I had hoped. Bob is still feeling tired and past ready rip off his cast. My vertigo paraded its power. We were unable to attend church which is a high priority for my hubby and I. We both need it to remind us how blessed we are. That Holy Spirit is having trouble getting through our tough skulls.
Bob somehow managed to let Einstein out this morning. My head was still under covers as I fiercely clutched the pillow. The bed flew through the room preventing me from taking a step across the room. The action ride haunts my mind as I quietly beg the flipping to end.
It would be great to say that I woke up and started my day, shaking the weird dream from my mind, but it didn’t work out that way today. I finally wobbled down the stairs, unsure of how the day would unfold.
Skype is great medicine. Teddy is remarkable as he told us about his latest endeavors at the Red Sox game and his first T-ball practice. Wonderful pictures, posted by my daughter, are online for friends to see what I mean. God gives us grandbabies to blanket us with the love of the Holy Spirit.
My grandson had boosted my spirit, and I felt more confident that I could make it down a few driveways, so I headed outside with Einstein. Perhaps the word “down” is not optimal here, but at least you get my idea. I used the walker again today to help guide my path. Bob thought I could attach the leash to the walker after duct taping my arms to the front. Although that would be amusing to our neighbors, I lacked enough bravery to go with the idea. I might consider a flashier approach, perhaps in costuming. My goodness yesterday was a royal wedding. My jeans and a trench coat just wouldn’t do. I could maybe wear a pair of roller-skates while fireworks blast from the ends of the walker. Einstein could also be dyed some neon color. Wow!
That still fprobably wouldn’t work. My white pooch was impatient enough to hit the trails immediately so the pyrotechnics would have to be put on hold. I staggered down the sidewalk with the walker. It was a beautiful day but windy, so I tightly tied my hood to attempt to keep the air from my ears. We made it! Einstein was a good guy and did his duty. The two little youngsters next door who have fallen in love with our four-legged pooch met us. I wish that we had crossed paths prior to our walk because he sure got his exercise with the help of a two and three year old in pursuit. They all had fun and then reluctantly went in their respective houses.
It was an LO night for dinner: leftovers. Our microwave heated everything up in style. There was an actual meal with meat, veggies and potatoes. Everything went well until it came to clean up. My body said enough even without those gorgeous fireworks. Reality slapped me in the face. I just needed to empty the dishwasher, place dirty dishes in place and clean up the mess on the counter. However, my body came to a complete halt because the mighty three came blasting back. Migraine, vertigo and tinnitus were back!
So, here I sit on my couch, typing away on my laptop. I keep waiting for the brain gymnastics to come to an end. The inside movement is puddling and I’m trying not to disturb it.
I’m convinced tomorrow will be better. Bob has an early doctor appointment to start our day. His cast will be removed and replaced with Cubbie blue on the request of Teddy. Later, I’m heading to the Y for yoga even if I have to crawl there. I wonder if I would creep in a wobbly fashion. There are lots of little ones in my life to encourage my progress. God has placed them in my path to gently remind me of my inner strength given through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
As I soon lay my head on my claw-scarred pillow, I can smile when I drift off to sleep. My day was filled with pain, confusion and even some anger because my body refused to follow my simple requests, but tonight I can quietly say my prayers to a God who listens and understands. We can have a dialogue discussing my pain. I wonder what He will say.
Benefit of Having a Body with Chronic Pain:
- You find the small things in life (yep, that means little kids for me) to encourage your daily walk through pain.
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