Sunday, April 24, 2011

No Chocolate Bunnies

I love Easter. I’m a huge fan of every morsel of this scrumptious holiday. This fanaticism goes beyond the chocolate bunnies and baked apple dessert. I adore watching colorfully dressed girls with new white shoes rush to find their hidden treasures. Colored eggs quietly sit amidst seasonal decorations while awaiting the chubby fingers of a youngster on a hunt. The trumpeting daffodils and brightly budding tulips announce that spring might finally be approaching.

Church services worldwide proclaim that He is risen indeed. Strangers to formal worship centers are drawn to attend this annual celebration thus creating bulges in church seams. Spring flowers decorate altars, and choirs sing of the resurrection. Thousands upon thousands of voices sing out “Jesus Christ is risen today.” How many times did the word “alleluia” echo in heaven today? I can close my eyes and picture my Mom singing out this hymn startled at the brass trumpets heralding the day. This last memory was far different for me today.

This morning, a brass orchestra combined with our choir to let the heavens hear the excitement in our voices. That same orchestra unfortunately also summoned one of the worst migraines I have ever experienced. Even as I pressed my temples with vice-like pressure, the pounding exploding in my skull hid the beauty of the words. I wanted to join in, but my body once again proved the victor over my desires. I attempted the meditation and relaxation stressed during Mayo’s program. Forget this blasphemy. I gave up and went for the Mountain Dew. I even put on a new top purchased the day prior in an attempt at retail therapy. Farmville brought distraction, but I can harvest with the best of them even with a migraine pounding away. Just a short time ago, out came a Tramadol, an opioid analgesic I have worked hard to avoid. Am I a failure? It’s crushing to picture a “Kodak Moment” that can’t be replicated. Easter is my season. I can’t be kidnapped from the celebration. “Bong! Bong! Bang!” My head disagrees. I didn’t get ham. There was no chocolate bunny. My baked apples are still in the refrigerator.

Duh! I formally announce to the world that my ego has clouded my brain of the truth of this day. Jesus died and rose for me! He did it without any of my help. He also did it for every Ralph, Bernice and Albert. We all win! It wasn’t JUST for me.

I’m about to head upstairs with a new memory of Easter. The migraine is still here in all of it’s living color, but one day that pain will be erased. Jesus knows about my chronic pain, and He knows about yours. Jesus Christ is risen today. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Happy Easter.

Benefit of Having Chronic Pain Part of Your Life:
  • You get new understandings of long held values. These alterations are built on the new images forced on you from your chronic pain. Thanks be to God.

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