I’ve had a busy but beautiful two days. I have finally recognized the sun shining in the blue sky and been able to take advantage of the warm(er) days enjoyed in the arrival of spring. Let’s see if I can describe a relatively abridged version of these past days. Many events are deserving of a post all by themselves, but I will moosh them into one for the time being. (Moosh is such a fun and descriptive word.)
Last night I was able to attend a fantastic presentation about the impact of brain injuries and the family. It’s so hard to see Bob struggle and not know how to help him. I guess males aren’t the only gender begging to do something to fix all the world’s problems. We both have a long way to go, but we know we are not alone in that journey. Although we would rather be traveling to some warm climate with a beach, we first need to come to grips with our situation.
Some of that knowledge will have to wait for a few weeks. While my hubby was pining away over my extended absence, he decided to emulate my athletic falls. Oops. He really fell several months ago, but the thought of him pining away boosted my ego. Anyway, we went to hospitals at home and in Connecticut with the same diagnosis of a bad sprain. WRONG! He actually split the bone between his big toe and the next toe. In other words, the growing break between the piggies that went to the market and those that stayed home. Surgery will be next week. Even so, he is up here now with me and will attend two days of family training.
I said good-bye to my Rochester church home that was a spiritual gift to strengthen me during my work at PRC. It continues to amaze me when I wonder how many people are saying the Lord’s Prayer with me sometime that same day. I’m overwhelmed when I stop to consider the number of people who have ever found comfort in these words. Lenten services are always quite moving for me. I can’t imagine having to skip them. As I mentioned in a previous blog, it was comforting to know that Bob, Stephanie’s family and I were all worshiping God together despite the miles. You don’t get the full meaning of Christmas without the harsh reality of Holy Week and the utter joy of Easter. The pastors here did a fabulous job of enveloping me as a family member during this time of reflection and self-examination. I will never be able to repay Bethel. They reminded me of the Holy Spirit at some periods that were my lowest. They pushed me to realize that my church family is far beyond my friends at Prince of Peace. I am a member of every Christian church and that’s one heck of a big family. We are all united as one (even though we don’t always act out that genealogy).
In two days, I “graduate” from the PRC. I will miss the people and the camaraderie that made this trip successful. The horror of watching so many go through withdrawal as they ripped the use of any pain medication from their quaking bodies will never be forgotten. Even me as a blubberer has never cried so many times in such a condensed period. The tears come naturally to me as a maternal trait, so I wonder how many boxes of tissues I emptied. (I also wonder how many hundreds of dollars will be charged to my account for those boxes. The sad thing is that they were not even very soft on my poor little nose.) Yet I laughed each day too. I know God wants us to also dance and sing, but those aren’t options for me. My vertigo would enjoy my former disco moves and my home congregation required me to sign an affidavit requiring no singing “wherever two or three are gathered”. A peer is creating some Yahoo account where we can supposedly write to each other with some confidentiality. I hope my laptop is waterproof then.
That’s a whole lot in a relatively short amount of space, for me anyway. I still am astonished at the multitude of cards and emails I daily receive about this goofy blog. Maybe my wanna-be author dream will someday be a reality.
Thanks for all you do.
My brother-in-law sent me a gorgeous email ending with this quote:
I think that says it all.
Advantage of the Mighty Three
- I can always claim my vertigo or now aptly renamed weeble steps are just former disco moves.
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